For our June meeting, Merik Voswinkel will give us a presentation on
Smalltalk and Self hardware with a focus on manycore parallelism and
distributed computing.
This follows from Jecel Assumpcao Jr's SiliconSqueak presentation at the
California Smalltalkers meetup ( ).
Merik will bring us on a tour past 50 years of late bound message passing
Smalltalk VMs, Smalltalk RISC processors, David Ungar’s RoarVM, adaptive
compilers, concurrent aggregates, clone-reduce, a processor per object,
FPGA’s, Morphle Logic, Croquet and Teatime , Wafer Scale Integration,
hundred (M1 Ultra), thousands and million cores ASICs, Cuniform, Matroshca
Brains and much more in our tourney towards the Wayne Gretzky invention
game of inventing the future.
If there is time we’ll go burning the Smalltalk disk packs, the
intergalactic network GUI and the destiny of computers as intellectual
amplifiers for humans pervasively networked worldwide and how we are going
to communicate with Aliens.
Merik Voswinkel is an independent scientist who build his first transputer
supercomputer for Smalltalk after the Byte 1981 Smalltalk issue, build one
of the first internet providers, works on SiliconSqueak, wafer scale
integrations and Enernet energy computing.
This will be an online meeting from home. If you'd like to join us, please
sign up on the Meetup page (