For our January meeting, we'll be hosting GemTalk's Martin McClure who will
talk about a new Smalltalk IDE - Sparkle.
If you're setting out to develop a Smalltalk IDE from scratch, what design
decisions do you make? You'd love to "fix" the things that have long
annoyed you in existing IDEs, but new designs risk creating their own novel
The Sparkle project-in-progress is creating a new and not entirely
conventional development environment for GemStone Smalltalk. Come see
factors that have influenced its design, get a demo of the current state of
the tools, learn about the project's next steps, and share your IDE
Martin heard about Smalltalk in 1975, finally got his hands on a running
Smalltalk system ten years later, and hasn't let go since. In his 25 years
on the GemStone team, Martin has worked on many aspects - some VM
internals, some user interface design, but mostly all the things that go in
between. In his rare spare time, he works on Mist, a Smalltalk variant with
improved modularity and no virtual machine. When not dodging Covid, he does
a lot of contra and country dancing.
This will be an online meeting from home.
If you'd like to join us, please sign up in advance on the meeting's Meetup
page ( ) to receive the
meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and drinks!