Hello everyone, my wife Angela was going to assist esug this year as a
student volunteer. She has been stopped in the airport since the
information in the ambassy website "was outdated" (really really dickmove.
i am starting to hate) and she was actually needing a visa.
By the time being she was set into a cell-dorm with only her phone and no
electric-socket to charge (so soon incommunicated). She was told to be sent
back to paris in 3 days. Meaning that she is going to be in jail for 3 days
because the ambassy is not able to keep their website updated.
1st- know that she is not attending.
2nd- please if you know someway to help contact me.
Thanks all.
Hi santiago
I just learned that and I’m really so sad.
Do you know who we should call?
Does she have a contact point?
Do you know the taiwanese ambassy at Paris.
On 21 Aug 2022, at 15:41, Santiago Bragagnolo santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com wrote:
Hello everyone, my wife Angela was going to assist esug this year as a student volunteer. She has been stopped in the airport since the information in the ambassy website "was outdated" (really really dickmove. i am starting to hate) and she was actually needing a visa.
By the time being she was set into a cell-dorm with only her phone and no electric-socket to charge (so soon incommunicated). She was told to be sent back to paris in 3 days. Meaning that she is going to be in jail for 3 days because the ambassy is not able to keep their website updated.
1st- know that she is not attending.
2nd- please if you know someway to help contact me.
Thanks all.
I am trying to get to different ambassies, sunday...
If i find a good calling point ill let you know.
El dom, 21 ago 2022 a las 15:53, stephane ducasse (<
stephane.ducasse@inria.fr>) escribió:
Hi santiago
I just learned that and I’m really so sad.
Do you know who we should call?
Does she have a contact point?
Do you know the taiwanese ambassy at Paris.
On 21 Aug 2022, at 15:41, Santiago Bragagnolo <
santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone, my wife Angela was going to assist esug this year as a
student volunteer. She has been stopped in the airport since the
information in the ambassy website "was outdated" (really really dickmove.
i am starting to hate) and she was actually needing a visa.
By the time being she was set into a cell-dorm with only her phone and
no electric-socket to charge (so soon incommunicated). She was told to be
sent back to paris in 3 days. Meaning that she is going to be in jail for 3
days because the ambassy is not able to keep their website updated.
1st- know that she is not attending.
2nd- please if you know someway to help contact me.
Thanks all.
If somebody sees gordana or some serbian speaker that can help angela to
commmunicate to the guard. We are trying to see if she can buy a ticket to
somewhere to come back faster, but nobody speaks english there.
El dom, 21 ago 2022 a las 15:59, Santiago Bragagnolo (<
santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com>) escribió:
I am trying to get to different ambassies, sunday...
If i find a good calling point ill let you know.
El dom, 21 ago 2022 a las 15:53, stephane ducasse (<
stephane.ducasse@inria.fr>) escribió:
Hi santiago
I just learned that and I’m really so sad.
Do you know who we should call?
Does she have a contact point?
Do you know the taiwanese ambassy at Paris.
On 21 Aug 2022, at 15:41, Santiago Bragagnolo <
santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone, my wife Angela was going to assist esug this year as a
student volunteer. She has been stopped in the airport since the
information in the ambassy website "was outdated" (really really dickmove.
i am starting to hate) and she was actually needing a visa.
By the time being she was set into a cell-dorm with only her phone and
no electric-socket to charge (so soon incommunicated). She was told to be
sent back to paris in 3 days. Meaning that she is going to be in jail for 3
days because the ambassy is not able to keep their website updated.
1st- know that she is not attending.
2nd- please if you know someway to help contact me.
Thanks all.
Hi Santiago,I am Serbian/Canadian from Serbia and I could probably help with translation. Not sure who could I talk to if your wife is kept in prison. Do not have any experience with it. What was your idea?
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun., Aug. 21, 2022 at 4:18 p.m., Santiago Bragagnolosantiagobragagnolo@gmail.com wrote: _______________________________________________
Esug-list mailing list -- esug-list@lists.esug.org
To unsubscribe send an email to esug-list-leave@lists.esug.org
Hello Sasa, we got finally Gordana to talk. Sorry to not keep the update as
it happens. I am doing 100 things at the same time.
Ill let you know if we need the skill again. Thanks a lot.
I got the emergencies from taiwanese consulate in paris and budapest (there
is not in belgrade, not sure why). Normally the consulate in budapest is in
charge of these things. They told me that the taiwanese passport is not
accepted as a valid traveling document. What is kind of a problem. We are
trying to get with the chinese ambassy to see if they can deal with the
Keep you updated as possible
El dom, 21 ago 2022 a las 16:54, Sasa Prokic (prokic_sasa@yahoo.com)
Hi Santiago,
I am Serbian/Canadian from Serbia and I could probably help with
translation. Not sure who could I talk to if your wife is kept in prison.
Do not have any experience with it.
What was your idea?
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun., Aug. 21, 2022 at 4:18 p.m., Santiago Bragagnolo
santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com wrote:
Esug-list mailing list -- esug-list@lists.esug.org
To unsubscribe send an email to esug-list-leave@lists.esug.org
Hi Santiago,
hope things work for the best for your wife. Surely let me know if I can do something to help.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun., Aug. 21, 2022 at 5:27 p.m., Santiago Bragagnolosantiagobragagnolo@gmail.com wrote: Hello Sasa, we got finally Gordana to talk. Sorry to not keep the update as it happens. I am doing 100 things at the same time.
Ill let you know if we need the skill again. Thanks a lot.
I got the emergencies from taiwanese consulate in paris and budapest (there is not in belgrade, not sure why). Normally the consulate in budapest is in charge of these things. They told me that the taiwanese passport is not accepted as a valid traveling document. What is kind of a problem. We are trying to get with the chinese ambassy to see if they can deal with the problem.
Keep you updated as possible
El dom, 21 ago 2022 a las 16:54, Sasa Prokic (prokic_sasa@yahoo.com) escribió:
Hi Santiago,I am Serbian/Canadian from Serbia and I could probably help with translation. Not sure who could I talk to if your wife is kept in prison. Do not have any experience with it. What was your idea?
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun., Aug. 21, 2022 at 4:18 p.m., Santiago Bragagnolosantiagobragagnolo@gmail.com wrote: _______________________________________________
Esug-list mailing list -- esug-list@lists.esug.org
To unsubscribe send an email to esug-list-leave@lists.esug.org
Thanks a lot to all of you to show all the care you had these last days and
for helping this much with everything: calling ambassies, universities,
directives etc.
Special thanks to Gordana whom barely slept since Sunday trying and finally
achieving to find the solution, and simulationeusly dealt with my stress.
And to the university vice dean and dean, without whom we wouldn't have any
political power nor any idea on how to react.
Also to the medics and guards those that helped her in need.
It has been a really f***ed up days . I wish you all a great time. I regret
to not be there this year.
Best for all of you!
On Sun, Aug 21, 2022, 15:41 Santiago Bragagnolo <
santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone, my wife Angela was going to assist esug this year as a
student volunteer. She has been stopped in the airport since the
information in the ambassy website "was outdated" (really really dickmove.
i am starting to hate) and she was actually needing a visa.
By the time being she was set into a cell-dorm with only her phone and no
electric-socket to charge (so soon incommunicated). She was told to be sent
back to paris in 3 days. Meaning that she is going to be in jail for 3 days
because the ambassy is not able to keep their website updated.
1st- know that she is not attending.
2nd- please if you know someway to help contact me.
Thanks all.
Hey Santiago,
I am happy that this unfortunate event had it's happy ending and hope that it will not happen again. Customs should be able to learn and remember ;)
On Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 03:26:27 PM GMT+2, Santiago Bragagnolo santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks a lot to all of you to show all the care you had these last days and for helping this much with everything: calling ambassies, universities, directives etc.
Special thanks to Gordana whom barely slept since Sunday trying and finally achieving to find the solution, and simulationeusly dealt with my stress. And to the university vice dean and dean, without whom we wouldn't have any political power nor any idea on how to react.
Also to the medics and guards those that helped her in need.
It has been a really f***ed up days . I wish you all a great time. I regret to not be there this year.
Best for all of you!
On Sun, Aug 21, 2022, 15:41 Santiago Bragagnolo santiagobragagnolo@gmail.com wrote:
Hello everyone, my wife Angela was going to assist esug this year as a student volunteer. She has been stopped in the airport since the information in the ambassy website "was outdated" (really really dickmove. i am starting to hate) and she was actually needing a visa.
By the time being she was set into a cell-dorm with only her phone and no electric-socket to charge (so soon incommunicated). She was told to be sent back to paris in 3 days. Meaning that she is going to be in jail for 3 days because the ambassy is not able to keep their website updated.
1st- know that she is not attending.2nd- please if you know someway to help contact me.
Thanks all.
Esug-list mailing list -- esug-list@lists.esug.org
To unsubscribe send an email to esug-list-leave@lists.esug.org