Cruising America's Great Loop and other inland routes
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Great Loop List is informative, it's entertaining and it's free--but it does cost money to operate such a popular resource.
Since the beginning, I happily covered the costs myself most years, because I have the same passion you do for messing about in boats--and still have the Great Loop on my to-do list. But I no longer own and operate Trawler Fest, so there is not even faint business motivation for me to continue to underwrite the costs.
If you enjoy the List, and if want it to continue and grow, please lend a hand by contributing toward expenses. A donation of just $10 or $25 a year will prove immensely helpful. And it will ensure you’ll never see advertising tagged on to posts.
To make a voluntary contribution via PayPal or a credit card, please go to
On the same page, you'll find an address if you wish to contribute by check or money order.
Have no fears, you won't be badgered about making a donation. Unless someone posts a question or comment, I'll be reporting to you only on fund-raising progress, and publicly thanking those who have stepped forward.
Please help make Great Loop List self-supporting in 2017-18.
Thank you!
Georgs Kolesnikovs
Your host at Trawlers & Trawlering since 1997