Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education

LaTasha Denard
Fri, Aug 23, 2024 1:27 PM

Greetings Colleagues,

Please see the following grant opportunity from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education. Share broadly with your network.


Dear colleagues,

Would you be so kind as to forward the attached flyer about our Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education program to your HBCU contacts (and other higher education contacts, as appropriate)?

The grant program, Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education, supports small projects that help students from underserved populations gain access to and benefit from the humanities. Projects must enhance the teaching and study of the humanities at one or more colleges and universities that enroll fewer than 10,000 undergraduate students and that belong to at least one of the following categories:

  • community colleges,
  • minority-serving institutions,
  • rural colleges and universities, or
  • colleges and universities with more than 40% of students receiving Pell grants

These institutions, nonprofit organizations, and state, local, or Native American Tribal governments aiming to advance the humanities at these institutions are eligible to apply. If an organization is a nonprofit or a state, local, or tribal government, it must

  • explain how you will partner with one or more eligible colleges or universities
  • submit Attachment 2 (to list partner institutions and show how they meet eligibility criteria or, if not yet selected, to explain how you will select project partners and ensure that they meet eligibility criteria)

The Spotlight program supports activities such as course or program development, expert consultations, speakers' series, student research, creation of teaching resources, and community engagement. The outcome of a Spotlight project will be planning for (Exploration level: up to $30,000) or advancement of (Development level: up to $60,000) a project to develop a curriculum, initiative, community or faculty partnership, or teaching resource that improves student understanding of and access to the humanities.

The program deadline is October 1, 2024.

If Spotlight is not an appropriate program for a particular institution or project, we are happy to discuss other NEH funding opportunities (such as Humanities Initiatives, Humanities Connections, and Preservation Assistance Grants you can find full information for all our funding opportunities on the Grants section of the NEH website.

Thanks so much!


Julia Huston Nguyen

Senior Program Officer


400 7th Street, SW

Washington, DC 20506

Office  (202) 606-8213



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Greetings Colleagues, Please see the following grant opportunity from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education. Share broadly with your network. LaTasha Dear colleagues, Would you be so kind as to forward the attached flyer about our Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education program to your HBCU contacts (and other higher education contacts, as appropriate)? The grant program, Spotlight on Humanities in Higher Education<>, supports small projects that help students from underserved populations gain access to and benefit from the humanities. Projects must enhance the teaching and study of the humanities at one or more colleges and universities that enroll fewer than 10,000 undergraduate students and that belong to at least one of the following categories: * community colleges, * minority-serving institutions, * rural colleges and universities, or * colleges and universities with more than 40% of students receiving Pell grants These institutions, nonprofit organizations, and state, local, or Native American Tribal governments aiming to advance the humanities at these institutions are eligible to apply. If an organization is a nonprofit or a state, local, or tribal government, it must * explain how you will partner with one or more eligible colleges or universities * submit Attachment 2 (to list partner institutions and show how they meet eligibility criteria or, if not yet selected, to explain how you will select project partners and ensure that they meet eligibility criteria) The Spotlight program supports activities such as course or program development, expert consultations, speakers' series, student research, creation of teaching resources, and community engagement. The outcome of a Spotlight project will be planning for (Exploration level: up to $30,000) or advancement of (Development level: up to $60,000) a project to develop a curriculum, initiative, community or faculty partnership, or teaching resource that improves student understanding of and access to the humanities. The program deadline is October 1, 2024. If Spotlight is not an appropriate program for a particular institution or project, we are happy to discuss other NEH funding opportunities (such as Humanities Initiatives<>, Humanities Connections<>, and Preservation Assistance Grants<>)-and you can find full information for all our funding opportunities on the Grants<> section of the NEH website. Thanks so much! Julia Julia Huston Nguyen Senior Program Officer [cid:image001.png@01DAF2DF.DDFDD680] 400 7th Street, SW Washington, DC 20506 Office (202) 606-8213<> [cid:image002.png@01DAF2DF.DDFDD680]<> [cid:image003.png@01DAF2DF.DDFDD680] <> [cid:image004.png@01DAF2DF.DDFDD680] <> [cid:image005.png@01DAF2DF.DDFDD680] <>