I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's
elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b +
c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don't know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber)
destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year:
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments or
#cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
Happy hacking,
[:year :month :day | Date newDay: day month: month year: year]
valueWithPossibleArguments: (($- split: '2020-03-28') collect: #asNumber)
Am 28.03.2020 um 13:42 schrieb Christian Haider Christian.Haider@smalltalked-visuals.com:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
I am sure that others came up with this. Anybody knows?
What are you using for this pattern?
I don’t really like the name, but haven’t found anything better yet. Maybe #destructedDo: or just #destructed: or: #withPartsDo:… maybe something shorter? Ideas?
What are you thinking about this?
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list@lists.esug.org mailto:Esug-list@lists.esug.org
http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org
Pressed send to fast. Just wanted to add that this is how it works in pharo but no collection selector.
Am 28.03.2020 um 14:06 schrieb Norbert Hartl norbert@hartl.name:
[:year :month :day | Date newDay: day month: month year: year]
valueWithPossibleArguments: (($- split: '2020-03-28') collect: #asNumber)
Am 28.03.2020 um 13:42 schrieb Christian Haider <Christian.Haider@smalltalked-visuals.com mailto:Christian.Haider@smalltalked-visuals.com>:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
I am sure that others came up with this. Anybody knows?
What are you using for this pattern?
I don’t really like the name, but haven’t found anything better yet. Maybe #destructedDo: or just #destructed: or: #withPartsDo:… maybe something shorter? Ideas?
What are you thinking about this?
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list@lists.esug.org mailto:Esug-list@lists.esug.org
http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org
Esug-list mailing list
Hello Christian,
" I don't really like the name,"
Maybe you could call it #tupleDo:?
#(1 2 3) tupleDo: [:a :b :c | ...]
Mark Plas
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
Nieuwe Gentsesteenweg 21/1https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=50.872900,4.286429
1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgiumhttps://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=50.872900,4.286429
https://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-nghttps://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-ng [cid:linkedin_75b9c4f1-6a2b-497c-aab8-df56fe16b8e3.png] https://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-ng [cid:twitter_de4c3300-c6ab-4898-a962-b33ff662a322.png] https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://www.facebook.com/MEDIAGENIX/ [cid:Facebook-icon_6bef7545-f54e-4548-bfc4-1f07407f2642.png] https://www.facebook.com/MEDIAGENIX/ www.mediagenix.tvhttp://www.mediagenix.tv
Directions to MEDIAGENIXhttp://www.mediagenix.tv/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Directions.pdf
This e-mail and any files attached to it are confidential and intended only for the use of the individuals or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately.
From: Esug-list esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org On Behalf Of Christian Haider
Sent: zaterdag 28 maart 2020 13:43
To: vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; esug-list@lists.esug.org; amber-lang@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don't know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
Happy hacking,
I think the name destructDo: comes from destructuring assignment.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment
Am 28.03.2020 um 14:15 schrieb Mark Plas mark.plas@mediagenix.tv:
Hello Christian,
" I don’t really like the name,"
Maybe you could call it #tupleDo:?
#(1 2 3) tupleDo: [:a :b :c | …]
Mark Plas
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
mark.plas@mediagenix.tv mailto:mark.plas@mediagenix.tv
Nieuwe Gentsesteenweg 21/1 https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=50.872900,4.286429
1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgium https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=50.872900,4.286429
https://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-ng https://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-ng <linkedin_75b9c4f1-6a2b-497c-aab8-df56fe16b8e3.png> https://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-ng <twitter_de4c3300-c6ab-4898-a962-b33ff662a322.png> https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://www.facebook.com/MEDIAGENIX/<Facebook-icon_6bef7545-f54e-4548-bfc4-1f07407f2642.png> https://www.facebook.com/MEDIAGENIX/www.mediagenix.tv http://www.mediagenix.tv/
Directions to MEDIAGENIX http://www.mediagenix.tv/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Directions.pdf
This e-mail and any files attached to it are confidential and intended only for the use of the individuals or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately.
From: Esug-list <esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org mailto:esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org> On Behalf Of Christian Haider
Sent: zaterdag 28 maart 2020 13:43
To: vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu mailto:vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; esug-list@lists.esug.org mailto:esug-list@lists.esug.org; amber-lang@googlegroups.com mailto:amber-lang@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
I am sure that others came up with this. Anybody knows?
What are you using for this pattern?
I don’t really like the name, but haven’t found anything better yet. Maybe #destructedDo: or just #destructed: or: #withPartsDo:… maybe something shorter? Ideas?
What are you thinking about this?
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list@lists.esug.org mailto:Esug-list@lists.esug.org
http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org http://lists.esug.org/mailman/listinfo/esug-list_lists.esug.org
How about #consume: ?
Il giorno sab 28 mar 2020 alle ore 13:20 Norbert Hartl norbert@hartl.name
ha scritto:
I think the name destructDo: comes from destructuring assignment.
Am 28.03.2020 um 14:15 schrieb Mark Plas mark.plas@mediagenix.tv:
Hello Christian,
" I don’t really like the name,"
Maybe you could call it #tupleDo:?
#(1 2 3) tupleDo: [:a :b :c | …]
Mark Plas
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
Nieuwe Gentsesteenweg 21/1
1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgium
https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv
https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tv https://www.facebook.com/MEDIAGENIX/
Directions to MEDIAGENIX
This e-mail and any files attached to it are confidential and intended
only for the use of the individuals or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender
From: Esug-list esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org *On Behalf Of *Christian
Sent: zaterdag 28 maart 2020 13:43
To: vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; esug-list@lists.esug.org;
Subject: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's
elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber)
destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year:
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments
or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
- I am sure that others came up with this. Anybody knows?
- What are you using for this pattern?
- I don’t really like the name, but haven’t found anything better yet.
Maybe #destructedDo: or just #destructed: or: #withPartsDo:… maybe
something shorter? Ideas?
- What are you thinking about this?
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
How about: #mapTo:
Giovanni Corriga mailto:giovanni@corriga.net
28 March 2020 at 15:35
How about #consume: ?
Esug-list mailing list
Norbert Hartl mailto:norbert@hartl.name
28 March 2020 at 15:19
I think the name destructDo: comes from destructuring assignment.
Esug-list mailing list
Mark Plas mailto:mark.plas@mediagenix.tv
28 March 2020 at 15:15
Hello Christian,
"I don’t really like the name,"
Maybe you could call it #tupleDo:?
#(1 2 3) tupleDo: [:a :b :c | …]
Mark Plas
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
Nieuwe Gentsesteenweg 21/1
1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgium
Directions to MEDIAGENIX
/This e-mail and any files attached to it are confidential and
intended only for the use of the individuals or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
notify the sender immediately./
*From:*Esug-list esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org *On Behalf Of
*Christian Haider
Sent: zaterdag 28 maart 2020 13:43
To: vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; esug-list@lists.esug.org;
Subject: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it
feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber)
destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with
#valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
Christian Haider mailto:christian.haider@smalltalked-visuals.com
28 March 2020 at 14:42
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it
feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber)
destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with
#valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
It reminds me of Javascript there you have similar constructs via apply() and i tend to think that the name is not too bad either.
#(1 2 3) apply:[:a :b :c | ]
I am a bit sceptic about the idea though. Given the examples you provided i do think it’s a neat solution but when i consider:
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I’m sure that the input string is not a literal because then this whole code doesn’t make much sense at all.
But when the string is not literal, no-one can guarantee the correctness of the string.
I’ve seen you use #cull: in the implementation so at least there’s no error if the number of arguments is smaller than the collection. But what happens the other way around?
Maybe you should call #valueWithArguments: and ensure that the arguments are filled up with nil.
Other than that i hope such a construct doesn’t lure people to use tupel-like arrays. That just produces the hardest-to-understand code ever.
Kind Regards
Georg Heeg eK
Wallstraße 22
06366 Köthen
Tel.: 03496/214328
FAX: 03496/214712
Amtsgericht Dortmund HRA 12812
Am 28. März 2020 bei 14:36:11, Giovanni Corriga (giovanni@corriga.netmailto:giovanni@corriga.net) schrieb:
How about #consume: ?
Il giorno sab 28 mar 2020 alle ore 13:20 Norbert Hartl <norbert@hartl.namemailto:norbert@hartl.name> ha scritto:
I think the name destructDo: comes from destructuring assignment.
Am 28.03.2020 um 14:15 schrieb Mark Plas <mark.plas@mediagenix.tvmailto:mark.plas@mediagenix.tv>:
Hello Christian,
" I don’t really like the name,"
Maybe you could call it #tupleDo:?
#(1 2 3) tupleDo: [:a :b :c | …]
Mark Plas
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
Nieuwe Gentsesteenweg 21/1https://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=50.872900,4.286429
1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgiumhttps://www.google.com/maps/dir/?api=1&destination=50.872900,4.286429
https://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-nghttps://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-ng <linkedin_75b9c4f1-6a2b-497c-aab8-df56fe16b8e3.png>https://nl.linkedin.com/company/mediagenix-ng <twitter_de4c3300-c6ab-4898-a962-b33ff662a322.png>https://twitter.com/mediagenix_tvhttps://twitter.com/mediagenix_tvhttps://twitter.com/mediagenix_tvhttps://www.facebook.com/MEDIAGENIX/<Facebook-icon_6bef7545-f54e-4548-bfc4-1f07407f2642.png>https://www.facebook.com/MEDIAGENIX/www.mediagenix.tvhttp://www.mediagenix.tv/
Directions to MEDIAGENIXhttp://www.mediagenix.tv/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Directions.pdf
This e-mail and any files attached to it are confidential and intended only for the use of the individuals or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately.
From: Esug-list <esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.orgmailto:esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org> On Behalf Of Christian Haider
Sent: zaterdag 28 maart 2020 13:43
To: vwnc@cs.uiuc.edumailto:vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; esug-list@lists.esug.orgmailto:esug-list@lists.esug.org; amber-lang@googlegroups.commailto:amber-lang@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
I like tupleDo:
or matchDo:
and what about installing a full pattern matching, as in many languages
e.g. Scheme : https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/match.html
#(1 #(2 3 6 7) 4) matchDo: [:a (:b :@c) :d] | …]
here c would be #(3 6 7)
may be it already exist?
if not, would really be a +
Le 28/03/2020 à 14:15, Mark Plas a écrit :
Hello Christian,
"I don’t really like the name,"
Maybe you could call it #tupleDo:?
#(1 2 3) tupleDo: [:a :b :c | …]
Mark Plas
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
Nieuwe Gentsesteenweg 21/1
1702 Groot-Bijgaarden - Belgium
Directions to MEDIAGENIX
/This e-mail and any files attached to it are confidential and
intended only for the use of the individuals or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
notify the sender immediately./
*From:*Esug-list esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org *On Behalf Of
*Christian Haider
Sent: zaterdag 28 maart 2020 13:43
To: vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; esug-list@lists.esug.org;
Subject: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it
feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo:
[:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with
#valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
I chose the name because of the old Lisp “destructuring-bind”. But this is more powerful, because it does tree matching. This is just shallow.
I am not sure where the concept was invented first. It may have been Lisp.
Von: Norbert Hartl norbert@hartl.name
Gesendet: Samstag, 28. März 2020 14:20
An: Mark Plas mark.plas@mediagenix.tv
Cc: Christian Haider christian.haider@smalltalked-visuals.com; vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; esug-list@lists.esug.org; amber-lang@googlegroups.com
Betreff: Re: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I think the name destructDo: comes from destructuring assignment.
Am 28.03.2020 um 14:15 schrieb Mark Plas <mark.plas@mediagenix.tv mailto:mark.plas@mediagenix.tv >:
Hello Christian,
" I don’t really like the name,"
Maybe you could call it #tupleDo:?
#(1 2 3) tupleDo: [:a :b :c | …]
Mark Plas
Software Engineer
T +32 2 467 34 30
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From: Esug-list < mailto:esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org esug-list-bounces@lists.esug.org> On Behalf Of Christian Haider
Sent: zaterdag 28 maart 2020 13:43
To: mailto:vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu vwnc@cs.uiuc.edu; mailto:esug-list@lists.esug.org esug-list@lists.esug.org; mailto:amber-lang@googlegroups.com amber-lang@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Esug-list] destructDo:
I am using a nice little method #destructDo: for a while now and it feels good.
In VisualWorks:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
"Evaluate aBlock with the receiver's elements as parameters.
aBlock takes its arguments from the receiver.
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c | a + b + c]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b | a + b]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a | a]
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [42]
'not ok'
#(1 2 3) destructDo: [:a :b :c :d | a + b + c + d]
^aBlock cullWithArguments: self asArray
In Amber:
SequenceableCollection>>destructDo: aBlock
^aBlock valueWithPossibleArguments: self
In Pharo and other dialects, I don’t know, but should be as easy.
For example you can do
(('2020-03-28' tokensBasedOn: $-) collect: #asNumber) destructDo: [:year :month :day |
Date newDay: day monthNumber: month year: year]
I like that the block is not the receiver (like with #valueWithArguments or #cullWithArguments), but the last argument.
Now the questions:
Happy hacking,
Esug-list mailing list
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