What is the best way to get from the airport to the event? I arrive about 9:00, Sunday morning, and can’t get into my AirBNB until 15:00, so thought I’d hang out at Camp Smalltalk.
Hi, I'm from Cagliari so I must answer ahaha. The best way to arrive to the
event is taxi. If you prefer, you can take the bus in Piazza Matteotti, the
"centre" of Cagliari, to arrive in the Faculty of Engineering.
Il giorno ven 7 set 2018 alle ore 21:18 David Mason dmason@ryerson.ca ha
What is the best way to get from the airport to the event? I arrive about
9:00, Sunday morning, and can’t get into my AirBNB until 15:00, so thought
I’d hang out at Camp Smalltalk.
Esug-list mailing list
pay attention that there is no camp on the conference location.
On 7 Sep 2018, at 21:17, David Mason dmason@ryerson.ca wrote:
What is the best way to get from the airport to the event? I arrive about 9:00, Sunday morning, and can’t get into my AirBNB until 15:00, so thought I’d hang out at Camp Smalltalk.
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Stéphane Ducasse
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