Hi all,
now that Janko has kindly accepted to step down and I've been appointed
by ESUG board as organization admin, here is my proposal for GSoC 2014.
Everything except publishing project ideas will be done through Google's
Melange application.
Project ideas will be sent by email and I'll publish them on the ESUG
wiki. Therefore, here are my first two requests:
trivially, an account on the ESUG wiki so that i can collect and post
the ideas;
interested mentors should start a thread for their favorite Smalltalk
dialect called "[GSoC ideas] Dialect name" and send it to the project
mailing list. Please Cc smalltalk-gsoc-mentors@googlegroups.com and
myself. This is very important in case Google Groups rejects messages
from non-members or anything like that. The message could be something
like this:
Hi fellow <Smalltalk dialect name> hackers,
ESUG, the European Smalltalk User Group, is applying for this
year's Google Summer of Code. As you probably know, the Summer
of Code provides the opportunity to fund students to work during
the summer on <Smalltalk dialect name>. Please reply to this
email (be sure to use "Reply to all") if you have ideas you
would like to propose.
Please include a summary of the project and links to web pages
that can help prospective students to write their application.
Please also include the following information:
- if applicable, other dialects that you would be willing to
mentor this project for
- the skill level
- name of the mentor(s), email addresses, and possibly any IRC
network/channel/nickname where they can be found.
Thanks for contributing to ESUG's Summer of Code application!
<Your name here>
I'm drafting the 2014 application based on past year's
(http://gsoc2013.esug.org/application). Serge, can you provide me the
numbers for passing and failing students in the 2013 edition?
I expect to follow up in a few days and announce who the backup admin
will be. Future messages will not be sent to
esug-list@lists.esug.org, so please subscribe to the mentors mailing
list smalltalk-gsoc-mentors@googlegroups.com if you are interested in
the program.
your friendly neighborhood GSoC administrator
Paolo Bonzini