11/1/24 Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison CT, 11:20am. A Western Kingbird was just seen east of the nature center lot, perched atop tall trees. It was also seen in this area and near the Boulder Pond earlier in the morning by a group of birders. Not in view at the moment but still in the area.
Dan Rottino
East Haddam, CT
The Western Kingbird flew to the nature center at 11:20 am and is now perched in the trees behind the building.
Dan Rottino
East Haddam, CT
On Nov 1, 2024, at 11:16 AM, Dan Rottino via CTBirds ctbirds@lists.ctbirding.org wrote:
11/1/24 Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison CT, 11:20am. A Western Kingbird was just seen east of the nature center lot, perched atop tall trees. It was also seen in this area and near the Boulder Pond earlier in the morning by a group of birders. Not in view at the moment but still in the area.
Dan Rottino
East Haddam, CT
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