Many folks are interested in the specifics of the theft that occurred at
New Smyrna,Fl. The theft was of two small jerry jugs residing on the side
deck that was dockside, easily within reach. This time, we didn't move them
to keep them out of sight or reach. Might have occured during the night
when we were aboard, or during the day while we were out and about.
Granted, a minor incident, but none-the-less the police did want our
report, that, with others, would support any recommendations they might
eventually make to the city council.
The rats, we believed, get onboard at night... wiley little things they
are. Can't do too much about them as they most likely come down on the dock
to find food- fishing bait that is laying around, or left-behind-people
food. If you're looking for some entertainment, try getting rid of rats.
We've stopped here many times without experiencing problems with theft, and
will stop in the future; we like the town and its reasonable access to
stores, though we've never been comfortable with the derelicts that
congregate here.
*Rudy & Jill Sechez *
*BRINEY BUG-a 34' Sail-Assisted Trawler *
*850-832-7748 *
* *
New Smyrna FL northbound