ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications:
Software for Humanity (SPLASH'19)
Athens, Greece
Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2019
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN
Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)
Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
Software Language Engineering (SLE)
Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR)
SPLASH is the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming,
Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity. SPLASH embraces
all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the
premier conference on the applications of programming languages--at
the intersection of programming languages and software engineering. We
invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished work.
Combined Call for Contributions:
- SPLASH Workshops
- PACMPL Issue OOPSLA 2019
- Onward! Papers
- Onward! Essays
- Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)
- Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
- Software Language Engineering (SLE)
- Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR)
- Posters
- Doctoral Symposium
- Student Research Competition
- Student Volunteers
SPLASH Workshops
Following its long-standing tradition, SPLASH 2019 will host a variety
of high quality workshops, allowing their participants to meet and
discuss research questions with peers, to mature new and exciting
ideas, and to build up communities and start new
collaborations. SPLASH workshops complement the main tracks of the
conference and provide meetings in a smaller and more specialized
setting. Workshops cultivate new ideas and concepts for the future,
optionally recorded in formal proceedings. Submissions are currently
being accepted on a rolling basis.
The rolling call will close on Fri 15 Mar, 2019.
Papers may target any stage of software development, including
requirements, modeling, prototyping, design, implementation,
generation, analysis, verification, testing, evaluation, maintenance,
and reuse of software systems. Contributions may include the
development of new tools (such as language front-ends, program
analyses, and runtime systems), new techniques (such as methodologies,
design processes, and code organization approaches), new principles
(such as formalisms, proofs, models, and paradigms), and new
evaluations (such as experiments, corpora analyses, user studies, and
Submissions due: Fri 5 Apr, 2019
Onward! Papers
Onward! is a premier multidisciplinary conference focused on
everything to do with programming and software: including processes,
methods, languages, communities, and applications. Onward! is more
radical, more visionary, and more open than other conferences to ideas
that are well-argued but not yet proven. We welcome different ways of
thinking about, approaching, and reporting on programming language and
software engineering research.
Submissions due: Mon 22 April, 2019
(transitioning to https://2019.splashcon.org/track/splash-2019-Onward-papers)
Onward! Essays
Onward! Essays is looking for clear and compelling pieces of writing
about topics important to the software community. An essay can be long
or short. An essay can be an exploration of the topic and its impact,
or a story about the circumstances of its creation; it can present a
personal view of what is, explore a terrain, or lead the reader in an
act of discovery; it can be a philosophical digression or a deep
analysis. It can describe a personal journey, perhaps the one the
author took to reach an understanding of the topic. The subject
area—software, programming, and programming languages—should be
interpreted broadly and can include the relationship of software to
human endeavors, or its philosophical, sociological, psychological,
historical, or anthropological underpinnings.
Submissions due: Mon 22 April, 2019
(transitioning to https://2019.splashcon.org/track/splash-2019-Onward-Essays)
Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)
Dynamic Languages, from Lisp, Snobol, and Smalltalk to Python,
Racket, and Javascript, have been playing a fundamental role both in
programming research and practice. DLS is the premier forum for
researchers and practitioners to share research and experience on all
aspects of Dynamic Languages. DLS invites high quality papers
reporting original research and experience related to the design,
implementation, and applications of dynamic languages.
Abstracts due: Wed 29 May, 2019
Submissions due: Wed 5 Jun, 2019
Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
The International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts &
Experience (GPCE) is a venue for researchers and practitioners
interested in techniques and tools for code generation, language
implementation, and metaprogramming. GPCE seeks conceptual,
theoretical, empirical, and technical contributions to its topics of
interest, which include but are not limited to (i) program
transformation, staging, macro systems, preprocessors, program
synthesis, and code-recommendation systems, (ii) domain-specific
languages, language embedding, language design, and language
workbenches, (iii) feature-oriented programming, domain engineering,
and feature interactions, (iv) applications and properties of code
generation, language implementation, and product-line development.
Abstracts due: Fri 14 Jun, 2019
Submissions due: Fri 21 Jun, 2019
Software Language Engineering (SLE)
Software Language Engineering (SLE) is the discipline of engineering
languages and their tools required for the creation of software. It
abstracts from the differences between programming languages,
modelling languages, and other software languages, and emphasizes the
engineering facet of the creation of such languages, that is, the
establishment of the scientific methods and practices that enable the
best results. SLE 2019 solicits high quality contributions in areas
ranging from theoretical and conceptual contributions, to tools,
techniques, and frameworks in the domain of software language
Abstracts due: Fri 14 Jun, 2019
Submissions due: Fri 21 Jun, 2019
Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR)
The International Conference on Managed Programming Languages &
Runtimes (MPLR, formerly ManLang) is a premier forum for presenting
and discussing novel results in all aspects of managed programming
languages and runtime systems, which serve as building blocks for some
of the most important computing systems around, ranging from
small-scale (embedded and real-time systems) to large-scale
(cloud-computing and big-data platforms) and anything in between
(mobile, IoT, and wearable applications).
Submissions due: Mon July 8, 2019
SPLASH-I is a series of high-quality talks that highlight the challenges
that are on the forefront of both research and practice across the SPLASH
community's broad spectrum of domains and techniques. We invite the
community to propose speakers (including themselves) through our call for
Submissions due: Fri May 17, 2019
The SPLASH Poster track provides an excellent forum for authors to
present their recent or ongoing projects in an interactive setting,
and receive feedback from the community. We invite submissions
covering any aspect of programming, systems, languages and
applications. The goal of the poster session is to encourage and
facilitate small groups of individuals interested in a technical area
to gather and interact at any desired level of detail. The poster
session is held early in the conference to promote continued
discussion among interested parties.
Submissions due: Sat 7 Sep, 2019
Doctoral Symposium
The SPLASH Doctoral Symposium provides students with useful guidance for
completing their dissertation research and beginning their research
careers. The symposium will provide an interactive forum for doctoral
students who have progressed far enough in their research to have a
structured proposal, but will not be defending their dissertation in the
next 12 months.
This year, the John Vlissides Award will be presented to a symposium
participant showing significant promise in applied software research. All
participants to the Doctoral Symposium are eligible. The award includes a
prize of $2,000.
Submissions due: Fri 12 Jul, 2019
Student Research Competition
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft
Research, offers a unique forum for ACM student members at the
undergraduate and graduate levels to present their original research
at SPLASH before a panel of judges and conference attendees. The SRC
gives visibility to not only up-and-coming young researchers, but also
exposes them to the field of computer science research and its
community. This competition also gives students an opportunity to
discuss their research with experts in their field, get feedback, and
to help them sharpen their communication and networking skills.
Student Research Competition abstract due: Fri July 12, 2019
Student Volunteers
The SPLASH Student Volunteers program provides an opportunity for
students from around the world to associate with some of the leading
personalities in industry and research in the following areas:
programming languages, object-oriented technology and software
development. Student volunteers contribute to the smooth running of
the conference by performing tasks such as: assisting with
registration, providing information about the conference to attendees,
assisting session organizers and monitoring sessions. Detailed
information on how to apply will be available on the main conference
page in March 2019. Estimated deadline for the SV applications will be
towards the end of September 2019.
Contact: publicity at splashcon.org
Website: https://2019.splashcon.org/
Location: Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece
SPLASH General Chair:
- Yannis Smaragdakis (University of Athens)
OOPSLA Review Committee Chair:
- Eelco Visser (Delft University of Technology)
Onward! Papers Chair:
- Hidehiko Masuhara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Onward! Essays Chair:
- Tomas Petricek (Alan Turing Institute)
DLS Program Chair:
- Stefan Marr (University of Kent)
GPCE General Chair:
- Ina Schaefer (Technische Universität Braunschweig)
GPCE Program Chair:
- Tijs van der Storm (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica / University of
SLE General Chair:
- Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern)
SLE Program Co-Chairs:
- Bruno Oliveira (University of Hong Kong)
- Jeff Gray (University of Alabama)
SLE Publicity Chair:
- Andrei Chiş (Feenk GmbH, Switzerland)
SLE AEC Co-Chairs:
- Emma Söderberg (Lund University)
- Abel Gomez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
MPLR General Chair:
- Tony Hosking (Australian National University / Data61)
MPLR Program Chair:
- Irene Finocchi (Sapienza University of Rome)
SPLASH-I Co-Chairs:
- Shan Shan Huang (Facebook)
- Michael Carbin (MIT)
Workshops Co-Chairs:
- Arjun Guha (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- Neville Grech (University of Athens, University of Malta)
OOPSLA Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs:
- Colin S. Gordon (Drexel University)
- Jan Vitek (Northeastern University)
Posters Chair:
- Christoph Reichenbach (Lund University)
Doctoral Symposium Chair:
- Éric Tanter (University of Chile & Inria Paris)
Student Research Competition Co-Chairs:
- Jay McCarthy (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
- David Darais (University of Vermont)
Student Volunteers Co-Chairs:
- Juliana Franco (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
- Tony Antoniadis (University of Athens)
Publications Chair:
- Magnus Madsen (Aarhus University)
Publicity Co-Chairs:
- Aggelos Biboudis (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Tijs van der Storm (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica / University of
Local Arrangements Chair:
- George Fourtounis (University of Athens)
Accessibility Chair:
- Kostas Saidis (University of Athens)
Sponsorships Co-Chairs:
- Caitlin Sadowski (Google)
- Jaeheon Yi (Google)
Video Chair:
- Benjamin Chung (Northeastern University)
Web Co-Chairs:
- Aggelos Biboudis (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
- Aviral Goel (Northeastern University)
ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications:
Software for Humanity (SPLASH'19)
Athens, Greece
Sun 20 - Fri 25 October 2019
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN
Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)
Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
Software Language Engineering (SLE)
Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR)
SPLASH is the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming,
Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity. SPLASH embraces
all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the
premier conference on the applications of programming languages--at
the intersection of programming languages and software engineering. We
invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished work.
Combined Call for Contributions:
* SPLASH Workshops
* PACMPL Issue OOPSLA 2019
* Onward! Papers
* Onward! Essays
* Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)
* Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
* Software Language Engineering (SLE)
* Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR)
* Posters
* Doctoral Symposium
* Student Research Competition
* Student Volunteers
## SPLASH Workshops
Following its long-standing tradition, SPLASH 2019 will host a variety
of high quality workshops, allowing their participants to meet and
discuss research questions with peers, to mature new and exciting
ideas, and to build up communities and start new
collaborations. SPLASH workshops complement the main tracks of the
conference and provide meetings in a smaller and more specialized
setting. Workshops cultivate new ideas and concepts for the future,
optionally recorded in formal proceedings. Submissions are currently
being accepted on a rolling basis.
The rolling call will close on Fri 15 Mar, 2019.
## PACMPL Issue OOPSLA 2019
Papers may target any stage of software development, including
requirements, modeling, prototyping, design, implementation,
generation, analysis, verification, testing, evaluation, maintenance,
and reuse of software systems. Contributions may include the
development of new tools (such as language front-ends, program
analyses, and runtime systems), new techniques (such as methodologies,
design processes, and code organization approaches), new principles
(such as formalisms, proofs, models, and paradigms), and new
evaluations (such as experiments, corpora analyses, user studies, and
Submissions due: Fri 5 Apr, 2019
## Onward! Papers
Onward! is a premier multidisciplinary conference focused on
everything to do with programming and software: including processes,
methods, languages, communities, and applications. Onward! is more
radical, more visionary, and more open than other conferences to ideas
that are well-argued but not yet proven. We welcome different ways of
thinking about, approaching, and reporting on programming language and
software engineering research.
Submissions due: Mon 22 April, 2019
(transitioning to https://2019.splashcon.org/track/splash-2019-Onward-papers)
## Onward! Essays
Onward! Essays is looking for clear and compelling pieces of writing
about topics important to the software community. An essay can be long
or short. An essay can be an exploration of the topic and its impact,
or a story about the circumstances of its creation; it can present a
personal view of what is, explore a terrain, or lead the reader in an
act of discovery; it can be a philosophical digression or a deep
analysis. It can describe a personal journey, perhaps the one the
author took to reach an understanding of the topic. The subject
area—software, programming, and programming languages—should be
interpreted broadly and can include the relationship of software to
human endeavors, or its philosophical, sociological, psychological,
historical, or anthropological underpinnings.
Submissions due: Mon 22 April, 2019
(transitioning to https://2019.splashcon.org/track/splash-2019-Onward-Essays)
## Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS)
Dynamic Languages, from Lisp, Snobol, and Smalltalk to Python,
Racket, and Javascript, have been playing a fundamental role both in
programming research and practice. DLS is the premier forum for
researchers and practitioners to share research and experience on all
aspects of Dynamic Languages. DLS invites high quality papers
reporting original research and experience related to the design,
implementation, and applications of dynamic languages.
Abstracts due: Wed 29 May, 2019
Submissions due: Wed 5 Jun, 2019
## Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE)
The International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts &
Experience (GPCE) is a venue for researchers and practitioners
interested in techniques and tools for code generation, language
implementation, and metaprogramming. GPCE seeks conceptual,
theoretical, empirical, and technical contributions to its topics of
interest, which include but are not limited to (i) program
transformation, staging, macro systems, preprocessors, program
synthesis, and code-recommendation systems, (ii) domain-specific
languages, language embedding, language design, and language
workbenches, (iii) feature-oriented programming, domain engineering,
and feature interactions, (iv) applications and properties of code
generation, language implementation, and product-line development.
Abstracts due: Fri 14 Jun, 2019
Submissions due: Fri 21 Jun, 2019
## Software Language Engineering (SLE)
Software Language Engineering (SLE) is the discipline of engineering
languages and their tools required for the creation of software. It
abstracts from the differences between programming languages,
modelling languages, and other software languages, and emphasizes the
engineering facet of the creation of such languages, that is, the
establishment of the scientific methods and practices that enable the
best results. SLE 2019 solicits high quality contributions in areas
ranging from theoretical and conceptual contributions, to tools,
techniques, and frameworks in the domain of software language
Abstracts due: Fri 14 Jun, 2019
Submissions due: Fri 21 Jun, 2019
## Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes (MPLR)
The International Conference on Managed Programming Languages &
Runtimes (MPLR, formerly ManLang) is a premier forum for presenting
and discussing novel results in all aspects of managed programming
languages and runtime systems, which serve as building blocks for some
of the most important computing systems around, ranging from
small-scale (embedded and real-time systems) to large-scale
(cloud-computing and big-data platforms) and anything in between
(mobile, IoT, and wearable applications).
Submissions due: Mon July 8, 2019
SPLASH-I is a series of high-quality talks that highlight the challenges
that are on the forefront of both research and practice across the SPLASH
community's broad spectrum of domains and techniques. We invite the
community to propose speakers (including themselves) through our call for
Submissions due: Fri May 17, 2019
## Posters
The SPLASH Poster track provides an excellent forum for authors to
present their recent or ongoing projects in an interactive setting,
and receive feedback from the community. We invite submissions
covering any aspect of programming, systems, languages and
applications. The goal of the poster session is to encourage and
facilitate small groups of individuals interested in a technical area
to gather and interact at any desired level of detail. The poster
session is held early in the conference to promote continued
discussion among interested parties.
Submissions due: Sat 7 Sep, 2019
## Doctoral Symposium
The SPLASH Doctoral Symposium provides students with useful guidance for
completing their dissertation research and beginning their research
careers. The symposium will provide an interactive forum for doctoral
students who have progressed far enough in their research to have a
structured proposal, but will not be defending their dissertation in the
next 12 months.
This year, the John Vlissides Award will be presented to a symposium
participant showing significant promise in applied software research. All
participants to the Doctoral Symposium are eligible. The award includes a
prize of $2,000.
Submissions due: Fri 12 Jul, 2019
## Student Research Competition
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft
Research, offers a unique forum for ACM student members at the
undergraduate and graduate levels to present their original research
at SPLASH before a panel of judges and conference attendees. The SRC
gives visibility to not only up-and-coming young researchers, but also
exposes them to the field of computer science research and its
community. This competition also gives students an opportunity to
discuss their research with experts in their field, get feedback, and
to help them sharpen their communication and networking skills.
Student Research Competition abstract due: Fri July 12, 2019
## Student Volunteers
The SPLASH Student Volunteers program provides an opportunity for
students from around the world to associate with some of the leading
personalities in industry and research in the following areas:
programming languages, object-oriented technology and software
development. Student volunteers contribute to the smooth running of
the conference by performing tasks such as: assisting with
registration, providing information about the conference to attendees,
assisting session organizers and monitoring sessions. Detailed
information on how to apply will be available on the main conference
page in March 2019. Estimated deadline for the SV applications will be
towards the end of September 2019.
## Information
Contact: publicity at splashcon.org
Website: https://2019.splashcon.org/
Location: Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece
## Organization
SPLASH General Chair:
* Yannis Smaragdakis (University of Athens)
OOPSLA Review Committee Chair:
* Eelco Visser (Delft University of Technology)
Onward! Papers Chair:
* Hidehiko Masuhara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Onward! Essays Chair:
* Tomas Petricek (Alan Turing Institute)
DLS Program Chair:
* Stefan Marr (University of Kent)
GPCE General Chair:
* Ina Schaefer (Technische Universität Braunschweig)
GPCE Program Chair:
* Tijs van der Storm (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica / University of
SLE General Chair:
* Oscar Nierstrasz (University of Bern)
SLE Program Co-Chairs:
* Bruno Oliveira (University of Hong Kong)
* Jeff Gray (University of Alabama)
SLE Publicity Chair:
* Andrei Chiş (Feenk GmbH, Switzerland)
SLE AEC Co-Chairs:
* Emma Söderberg (Lund University)
* Abel Gomez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
MPLR General Chair:
* Tony Hosking (Australian National University / Data61)
MPLR Program Chair:
* Irene Finocchi (Sapienza University of Rome)
SPLASH-I Co-Chairs:
* Shan Shan Huang (Facebook)
* Michael Carbin (MIT)
Workshops Co-Chairs:
* Arjun Guha (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
* Neville Grech (University of Athens, University of Malta)
OOPSLA Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs:
* Colin S. Gordon (Drexel University)
* Jan Vitek (Northeastern University)
Posters Chair:
* Christoph Reichenbach (Lund University)
Doctoral Symposium Chair:
* Éric Tanter (University of Chile & Inria Paris)
Student Research Competition Co-Chairs:
* Jay McCarthy (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
* David Darais (University of Vermont)
Student Volunteers Co-Chairs:
* Juliana Franco (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
* Tony Antoniadis (University of Athens)
Publications Chair:
* Magnus Madsen (Aarhus University)
Publicity Co-Chairs:
* Aggelos Biboudis (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Tijs van der Storm (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica / University of
Local Arrangements Chair:
* George Fourtounis (University of Athens)
Accessibility Chair:
* Kostas Saidis (University of Athens)
Sponsorships Co-Chairs:
* Caitlin Sadowski (Google)
* Jaeheon Yi (Google)
Video Chair:
* Benjamin Chung (Northeastern University)
Web Co-Chairs:
* Aggelos Biboudis (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Aviral Goel (Northeastern University)