Due 11/4, 11:59pm - Eastside Community Histories Project

Solverson, Rebecca
Sat, Nov 2, 2024 4:17 PM

Eastside Community Center - Community Histories Project
Deadline: November 4, 2024, 11:59pm
Budget: $12,000 all-inclusive, plus $500 proposal budget for finalists

Art Opportunity
Metro Parks Tacoma (MPT) is seeking an artist or artist team to create an original public artwork in digital format, curating and sharing community histories from the Eastside of Tacoma. The final digital project will be displayed on screens at the Eastside Community Center and on MPT's website.  As described in the Eastside Community Center Art Brief, "the context for this project was inspired by stories of community members' grassroots work to create home museums and independent documentaries, as well as the need to preserve history in a community that is rapidly changing." The final product will be displayable media in digital format with visuals, between 15-30 minutes' worth, and may be broken up into multiple short videos, audio tracks  accompanied by visuals, etc.

For detailed information about this opportunity, please see the [?pdf icon]  Call to Artistshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/metroparkstacoma-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/clairek_tacomaparks_com/EZ_5sESCd6JNrHZfk8DGgCUBMHpDN0ptAv5hP708jd5J-g?e=OFih58__;!!CRCbkf1f!XlPTteOlgOvcx6pq1T2Mfh1nPxTbx38uBkoh6uLeJs5qbLzdScU6CLjHRY3vVrQ3e9yQLA8YJgvfY1PIjBGcwTAkBQnv2FE$. Initial submissions are due November 4th. Questions may be sent to clairek@tacomaparks.commailto:clairek@tacomaparks.com.


Division Manager
City of Tacoma
Arts & Cultural Vitality Division
253.591.5564 (desk)
253.381.5397 (cell)
Arts & Cultural Vitality Divisionhttp://www.cityoftacoma.org/arts  | Tacoma Createshttp://www.tacomacreates.org/


Eastside Community Center - Community Histories Project Deadline: November 4, 2024, 11:59pm Budget: $12,000 all-inclusive, plus $500 proposal budget for finalists Art Opportunity Metro Parks Tacoma (MPT) is seeking an artist or artist team to create an original public artwork in digital format, curating and sharing community histories from the Eastside of Tacoma. The final digital project will be displayed on screens at the Eastside Community Center and on MPT's website. As described in the Eastside Community Center Art Brief, "the context for this project was inspired by stories of community members' grassroots work to create home museums and independent documentaries, as well as the need to preserve history in a community that is rapidly changing." The final product will be displayable media in digital format with visuals, between 15-30 minutes' worth, and may be broken up into multiple short videos, audio tracks accompanied by visuals, etc. For detailed information about this opportunity, please see the [?pdf icon] Call to Artists<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/metroparkstacoma-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/clairek_tacomaparks_com/EZ_5sESCd6JNrHZfk8DGgCUBMHpDN0ptAv5hP708jd5J-g?e=OFih58__;!!CRCbkf1f!XlPTteOlgOvcx6pq1T2Mfh1nPxTbx38uBkoh6uLeJs5qbLzdScU6CLjHRY3vVrQ3e9yQLA8YJgvfY1PIjBGcwTAkBQnv2FE$>. Initial submissions are due November 4th. Questions may be sent to clairek@tacomaparks.com<mailto:clairek@tacomaparks.com>. Thanks, Rebecca REBECCA SOLVERSON (she/her) Division Manager City of Tacoma Arts & Cultural Vitality Division 253.591.5564 (desk) 253.381.5397 (cell) Arts & Cultural Vitality Division<http://www.cityoftacoma.org/arts> | Tacoma Creates<http://www.tacomacreates.org/> [cid:image002.png@01DB2D07.DFCC49D0]<https://tacomaartsmonth.org/>