Tudor asked in late December if there was any information on the dates for
ESUG 2014. Since the organizing committee is probably still being formed,
I'm not surprised that there was no answer. So I will just ask that as soon
as someone knows about the dates, please post that information since travel
plans need to be made.
Thanks, John
John O'Keefe [|], CTO/Principal Smalltalk Architect, Instantiations Inc.
Tudor asked in late December if there was any information on the dates for
ESUG 2014. Since the organizing committee is probably still being formed,
I'm not surprised that there was no answer. So I will just ask that as soon
as someone knows about the dates, please post that information since travel
plans need to be made.
Thanks, John
John O'Keefe [|], CTO/Principal Smalltalk Architect, Instantiations Inc.
Esug-list mailing list
"Every thing has its own flow"
Yes we are waiting from David the final go and dates and they will be announced.
On 14 Jan 2014, at 20:11, John O'Keefe wembley@instantiations.com wrote:
Tudor asked in late December if there was any information on the dates for ESUG 2014. Since the organizing committee is probably still being formed, I'm not surprised that there was no answer. So I will just ask that as soon as someone knows about the dates, please post that information since travel plans need to be made.
Thanks, John
John O'Keefe [|], CTO/Principal Smalltalk Architect, Instantiations Inc.
Esug-list mailing list