Re: [Esug-list] how to pick an existing (empty) directory name (mapped in Windows to a drive letter)?

Ulli Wenk
Fri, Feb 13, 2015 3:08 PM
Thanks to all of you  

for the immediate help, especially to Andreas Hiltner for the solution with the native Windows SHBrowseForFolder function.
As he suggested, I implemented a class (Win32FolderDialog) doing all (after extending MinimalShellInterface from package "Windows Goodies").

If somebody is interested in it, too, I could publish it in the Public Repository (in an new version of "Windows Goodies" or an extra small package).

Regards, Ulli

Niall Ross
Sat, Feb 14, 2015 2:15 PM

Dear Ulli,

... I implemented a class (Win32FolderDialog) doing all (after
extending MinimalShellInterface from package "Windows Goodies").

If somebody is interested in it, too, I could publish it in the Public
Repository (in an new version of  "Windows Goodies" or an extra small

I'm sure people would be pleased to see it appear, maybe in a fresh
version of Windows Goodies with an explanatory blessing comment.  If
others like it, it may in time become part of the standard version.

         Just my 0.02p
               Niall Ross
Dear Ulli, > ... I implemented a class (Win32FolderDialog) doing all (after > extending MinimalShellInterface from package "Windows Goodies"). > > If somebody is interested in it, too, I could publish it in the Public > Repository (in an new version of "Windows Goodies" or an extra small > package). I'm sure people would be pleased to see it appear, maybe in a fresh version of Windows Goodies with an explanatory blessing comment. If others like it, it may in time become part of the standard version. Just my 0.02p Niall Ross
Ulli Wenk
Wed, Mar 11, 2015 10:12 AM
I have published it (as Niall recommended).  

Regards, Ulli

02/14/2015, 15:15, Niall Ross wrote:

Dear Ulli,

... I implemented a class (Win32FolderDialog) doing all (after extending MinimalShellInterface from package "Windows Goodies").

If somebody is interested in it, too, I could publish it in the Public Repository (in an new version of "Windows Goodies" or an extra small package).

I'm sure people would be pleased to see it appear, maybe in a fresh version of Windows Goodies with an explanatory blessing comment. If others like it, it may in time become part of the standard version.

Just my 0.02p
Niall Ross