STIC conference deadlines reminder

Alan Knight
Thu, Dec 8, 2011 7:07 PM

The Smalltalk Industry Conference 2012 is coming up March 19-21, and
submission deadlines are coming up soon.

This year there are two parts to the conference, so there could be some

-Smalltalk Industry Conference: This is the traditional Smalltalk
Solutions program. To submit, you just need summary information for the
talk. The presentations are, at least sometimes, recorded, but there
aren't published papers. The deadline for those submissions is VERY SOON
-December 15th. Call for participation ishere

-Smalltalk Directions: This is the academic part of the conference,
new this year. It accepts academic papers, which will be refereed and a
selection of which will be submitted to the Journal of Object
Technology. The deadline for those submissions is_January 6th, 2012_.
The call for participation ishere

The Smalltalk Industry Conference 2012 is coming up March 19-21, and submission deadlines are coming up soon. This year there are two parts to the conference, so there could be some confusion. -*Smalltalk Industry Conference*: This is the traditional Smalltalk Solutions program. To submit, you just need summary information for the talk. The presentations are, at least sometimes, recorded, but there aren't published papers. The deadline for those submissions is VERY SOON -_December 15th_. Call for participation ishere <>. -*Smalltalk Directions*: This is the academic part of the conference, new this year. It accepts academic papers, which will be refereed and a selection of which will be submitted to the Journal of Object Technology. The deadline for those submissions is_January 6th, 2012_. The call for participation ishere <>.