Deal Smalltalkers,
After 2 months of development, we are happy to announce the release of
Amber 0.12.3.
- Several UI improvements in Helios
- Subclasses of
can be created
- Several fixes for IE8
- amber.js can be loaded asynchronously (it must
have an id 'amber-path-mapper' in that case)
- JQuery updated to ~1.10.2; jquery-ui updated to match
- CodeMirror updated to ~3.20.0
API Changes:
Package Import-Export renamed to Kernel-ImportExport
A dozen of methods moved from Object to ProtoObject
HashedCollection >> at:ifAbsentPut: pushed up to SequenceableCollection
HashedCollection >> , is now allowed (removed shouldNotImplement)
HashedCollection and Dictionary both subclasses of AssociativeCollection
Smalltalk class moved to SmalltalkImage class, Smalltalk is now global var
Smalltalk current deprecated in favour of Smalltalk
Smalltalk at:[put:] deprecated in favour of Smalltalk globals at:[put:]
<smalltalk.ClassName> deprecated in favour of <globals.ClassName>
- CompiledMethod >>
- Behavior >>
- compile:protocol:
- removeProtocolIfEmpty:
- Package >>
- Package class >>
- load:
- load:fromNamespace:
- PackageTransport >> load
- PackageHandler >> load:
- AmdPackageHandler >> load:
- Set >> removeAll
- AssociativeCollection class
- BucketStore class
- SmalltalkImage >>
- Setting class
- String >>
- asSetting
- asSettingIfAbsent:
- settingValue
- settingValueIfAbsent:
- settingValue:
- Smalltalk global variable
- CompiledMethod >>
- category: (use #protocol:)
- defaultCategory
- Behavior >> compile:category:
- HTMLCanvas class >>
- browserVersion
- isMSIE
- isMozilla
- isOpera
- isWebkit
The Amber crew
Deal Smalltalkers,
After 2 months of development, we are happy to announce the release of
Amber 0.12.3.
* Several UI improvements in Helios
* Subclasses of `nil` can be created
* Several fixes for IE8
* amber.js can be loaded asynchronously (it must
have an id 'amber-path-mapper' in that case)
* JQuery updated to ~1.10.2; jquery-ui updated to match
* CodeMirror updated to ~3.20.0
API Changes:
* Package Import-Export renamed to Kernel-ImportExport
* A dozen of methods moved from Object to ProtoObject
* HashedCollection >> at:ifAbsentPut: pushed up to SequenceableCollection
* HashedCollection >> , is now allowed (removed shouldNotImplement)
* HashedCollection and Dictionary both subclasses of AssociativeCollection
* Smalltalk class moved to SmalltalkImage class, Smalltalk is now global var
* Smalltalk current deprecated in favour of Smalltalk
* Smalltalk at:[put:] deprecated in favour of Smalltalk globals at:[put:]
* <smalltalk.ClassName> deprecated in favour of <globals.ClassName>
+ CompiledMethod >>
+ defaultProtocol
+ Behavior >>
+ compile:protocol:
+ removeProtocolIfEmpty:
+ Package >>
+ load
+ loadFromNamespace:
+ Package class >>
+ load:
+ load:fromNamespace:
+ PackageTransport >> load
+ PackageHandler >> load:
+ AmdPackageHandler >> load:
+ Set >> removeAll
+ AssociativeCollection class
+ BucketStore class
+ SmalltalkImage >>
+ globals
+ vm
+ settings
+ Setting class
+ String >>
+ asSetting
+ asSettingIfAbsent:
+ settingValue
+ settingValueIfAbsent:
+ settingValue:
+ Smalltalk global variable
- CompiledMethod >>
- category: (use #protocol:)
- defaultCategory
- Behavior >> compile:category:
- HTMLCanvas class >>
- browserVersion
- isMSIE
- isMozilla
- isOpera
- isWebkit
The Amber crew