With still a few reports to come in, the Greenwich-Stamford Christmas Bird
Count held on Sunday, December 15 tallied 106 species (with a potential 107
awaiting photo confirmation) and 7 count-week birds to date.
The prize for best bird may have to go to the accommodating
Grasshopper Sparrow at Greenwich Point Park, which was still there today.
Other highlights on count day included Snow Goose, Northern Pintail, Surf
and White-winged Scoters, Greater Yellowlegs, Laughing Gull, a few Northern
Saw-Whet Owls, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher,
Yellow-Breasted Chat, Rusty Blackbirds and Eastern Phoebe.
Count week birds were Black Scoter, Northern Gannet, Black crowned Night-Heron,
Razorbill, Bonaparte's Gull, Greater White-fronted Goose and King Eider.
Many thanks to all our counters and the Greenwich Audubon for hosting our
potluck compilation dinner after the count.
Cynthia Ehlinger
Greenwich-Stamford Christmas Bird Count compiler