We are proud to announce the release 1.4 of Pharo!
You can find information about Pharo on http://www.pharo-project.org.
In particular, you may be interested in:
- How to join us and get help: http://www.pharo-project.org/community
- Getting the Pharo By Example book (also available as a free PDF): http://www.pharobyexample.org
- Watching the screencasts: http://www.pharocasts.com
- Reporting problems: http://www.pharo-project.org/community/issue-tracking
- Read the forthcoming book: http://rmod.lille.inria.fr/pbe2 (yes we love and value documentation)
- Read the Pharo vision document: http://www.pharo-project.org/community/consortium
All in all, there were over 870 issues treated in the issue tracker.
Read it again, yes 870 is huge, take two minutes and have a look at the list of improvements! Now you got a feeling for the effort.
And this not our own work but the work of our community! It is possible because people worldwide helped! We want to deeply
thank them.
We want to thank in particular Inria for its constant support, in particular for the salary of Igor Stasenko and for help in the
infrastructure put in place.
We have accomplished this huge task for a better system because we were together.
Do not forget that we are working on a consortium to support our system.
Do not forget that our goal is to build a system so that we can make a living with our creativity and programming skills.
Read the Pharo vision document and join!
Thanks a lot for your participation, energy and fun.
The Pharo Team
Not all the changes are reported here, but this is to give you an impression.
- New code model: Ring
- Support for startUp preference script
- #class message is not a byte code anymore
- Better union and intersection methods
- Better primitive simulation
- Better headless support
- Better support for error at startup
- Introduction of FileSystem
- Less dependencies: Color, Scrollbar do not depend on Compiler anymore
- Cleaning tests
- Unload hostSystemsMenus
- More consistent API for browser opening
- No event pulling anymore
- More class comments
- Announcement driven system notification
- Better API for sharedPool
Zinc Improvement
- New mechanism for Zinc servers start/stop handling after system startUp/shutDown
- and a lot a lot and a lot more.
- Support Cherrypicking when merging
- Better timeProfilerBrowser
- Better MC commit error
- MC handles better dependencies
- Better Debugger
- Better Inspector
- Search in tools
- New Finder tool
- Cmd-Click for senders and implementors
- Senders and implementors deals with class
- Better tool registry
- Improvements for the FlatBrowser
- Better Transcripter
- Faster diffBuilder
- MetacelloConfigurationBrowser to browse published configurations
- New version of OCompletion and Ecompletion that can play together and without code duplication.
- Support grouping windows as tab
- Better search
- MultiSelection improvements
- Drag and drop in multi selection list
- PluggableListMorph improvements
- PluggableListMorph selection on drag
- Iconic Button improvements
- PharoTheme
- Better CheckBox
- Enhanced PluggableButtonMorph
- Polymorph enhancements
- Deprecate PluggableListMorphOfMany
- Merged NewParagraph and MultiNewParagraph
- New Widget: Ticking list and widget
- LazyListMorph cleaning
- NewTextMorph and TextComposer improvements
- Improve behavior of MorphTreeMorph
- Removing NewTextMorph and related
- StringMorph
- Object
- Old HTTP code
- No references to Utilities
- Removed toolbuilder
- Restructure packages
- Canvas hierarchy
- MorphicModel
- Deprecate recentMessageSet
- Deprecate ImageSegment
- Deprecate MessageNames
- Deprecate TimeProfileBrowser
- Really cleaning messageSet and subclasses
- SystemChangeNotifier
- Removed Project
- Removed BlockContext, blue book old closure encodings
- Font downloading
- HandMorph cleaning
Some Fixes
- Set growth with nil
- Better weak finalization
- isPrime fixed
- Compiler Fixes
- Russian characters in editor
- More class comments
- Fix drawing shadow morphs
- Trait support
- Fixed syntax hilighting
- Better pointersTo:
- Speedup MethodDictionary #rehash
- Compiler enhancements.
- Stream should not print its contents
- Progress bar
- InputSensor
- CombinedChar
- BytexTextConverter fixes
Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de