Upcoming Webinar - SCELC & EAST: Diversity and Inclusivity in Shared Print

ShaneƩ Yvette Willis
Wed, Nov 8, 2023 6:00 PM

Dear Colleagues,

We hope you are doing well!  This is a friendly midweek reminder about our upcoming webinar, "SCELC & EAST: Community Strategies to Expand Diversity and Inclusivity in the Collective Collection of Shared Print." The event is scheduled for Monday, November 13th, at 11 a.m. ET and will feature case studies from two EAST member librarians, Vicki Coleman from North Carolina A&T University (NC) and Richard Bradberry from Morgan State University (MD).

Your insights and participation are crucial to EAST as they develop a services model to provide collection analysis services for participating libraries, so we encourage you to register if you haven't already using this registration linkhttps://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrde6ppzsrHNOlq1kygMjIsS4oA_utzvZ8.

Best regards,

Dear Colleagues, We hope you are doing well! This is a friendly midweek reminder about our upcoming webinar, "SCELC & EAST: Community Strategies to Expand Diversity and Inclusivity in the Collective Collection of Shared Print." The event is scheduled for Monday, November 13th, at 11 a.m. ET and will feature case studies from two EAST member librarians, Vicki Coleman from North Carolina A&T University (NC) and Richard Bradberry from Morgan State University (MD). Your insights and participation are crucial to EAST as they develop a services model to provide collection analysis services for participating libraries, so we encourage you to register if you haven't already using this registration link<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrde6ppzsrHNOlq1kygMjIsS4oA_utzvZ8>. Best regards,