RFC Listening Session

LaTasha Denard
Wed, Apr 26, 2023 4:29 PM

Greetings Colleagues,

Dawn Kight, Ph.D., Dean of Libraries, Southern University and A&M College, forwards the following announcement:

Good afternoon,

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is extending a rare opportunity for communities across the nation to provide the federal government with helpful feedback and guidance in implementing $2.75 billion of funding through the Digital Equity Act. Southern University Law Center will be hosting an exciting working session on Wednesday, April 26, from 1-3 pm central standard time to provide comments. Each attendee will be able to address any of NTIA's 24 requested questions during this meeting through an online survey. Each written response will later be submitted to NTIA.

This event is an open invitation to Historically Black Colleges & Universities, libraries, individuals, churches, and community organizations. Our hope is to provide crucial insight and perspective regarding the digital needs of the respective communities. NTIA may utilize this feedback to further enhance the design and implementation of The Digital Equity Grant Program.

Join us. We encourage you along with your community members to participate in this exciting and important event. Use the following link to attend:


Meeting ID: 823 1886 7551
Passcode: 136359
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82318867551#,,,,*136359# US (Chicago)
+16468769923,,82318867551#,,,,*136359# US (New York)

Lata Johnson

Associate Vice Chancellor and Deputy CIO

Technology, Security, audit, contracts and Telecommunications

LaTasha Denard
Executive Assistant at HBCU Library Alliancehttp://hbculibraries.org/
Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 102
Web: hbculibraries.orghttp://hbculibraries.org/
Email: ldenard@hbculibraries.orghttp://mailto:ldenard@hbculibraries.org/
Follow us on our social media:
[cid:image001.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260]  [cid:image002.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260]  [cid:image003.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260]  [cid:image004.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260]

Sandra Phoenix
Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliancehttp://hbculibraries.org/
Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101
Mobile: (404) 702-5854
Web: hbculibraries.orghttp://hbculibraries.org/
Email: sphoenix@hbculibraries.orgmailto:sphoenix@hbculibraries.org
Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come.
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Greetings Colleagues, Dawn Kight, Ph.D., Dean of Libraries, Southern University and A&M College, forwards the following announcement: Good afternoon, The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is extending a rare opportunity for communities across the nation to provide the federal government with helpful feedback and guidance in implementing $2.75 billion of funding through the Digital Equity Act. Southern University Law Center will be hosting an exciting working session on Wednesday, April 26, from 1-3 pm central standard time to provide comments. Each attendee will be able to address any of NTIA's 24 requested questions during this meeting through an online survey. Each written response will later be submitted to NTIA. This event is an open invitation to Historically Black Colleges & Universities, libraries, individuals, churches, and community organizations. Our hope is to provide crucial insight and perspective regarding the digital needs of the respective communities. NTIA may utilize this feedback to further enhance the design and implementation of The Digital Equity Grant Program. Join us. We encourage you along with your community members to participate in this exciting and important event. Use the following link to attend: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82318867551?pwd=RUZ5N0ZMNHIzYmVydER6anEzR3FhQT09 Meeting ID: 823 1886 7551 Passcode: 136359 One tap mobile +13126266799,,82318867551#,,,,*136359# US (Chicago) +16468769923,,82318867551#,,,,*136359# US (New York) Lata Johnson ----------------------------------------------- Associate Vice Chancellor and Deputy CIO Technology, Security, audit, contracts and Telecommunications LaTasha Denard Executive Assistant at HBCU Library Alliance<http://hbculibraries.org/> Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 102 Web: hbculibraries.org<http://hbculibraries.org/> Email: ldenard@hbculibraries.org<http://mailto:ldenard@hbculibraries.org/> Follow us on our social media: [cid:image001.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260] [cid:image002.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260] [cid:image003.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260] [cid:image004.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260] Sandra Phoenix Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance<http://hbculibraries.org/> Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101 Mobile: (404) 702-5854 Web: hbculibraries.org<http://hbculibraries.org/> Email: sphoenix@hbculibraries.org<mailto:sphoenix@hbculibraries.org> Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come. [cid:image005.gif@01D9783A.C1D5A260]<https://www.facebook.com/hbculibraryalliance1/> [cid:image006.gif@01D9783A.C1D5A260] <https://twitter.com/HBCULibAlliance> [cid:image007.png@01D9783A.C1D5A260] <https://www.instagram.com/hbcu_library_alliance/> [cid:image008.gif@01D9783A.C1D5A260] <https://hbculibraryalliance.wordpress.com/>