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Portland Fairgrounds-Snipe.

Larry Nichols
Sun, Apr 8, 2007 2:35 PM

From Larry Nichols:

After having seen a few Snipe yesterday,  I decided to check the
fairgrounds out this morning. There were 40+ WILSON'S SNIPE feeding around
the edge of the skating pond. There was also 1 GREATER YELLOWLEGS.

Next, I walked further along the edge of the river until I came to one of
the fields in Wangunk Meadows.There wa a NORTHERN HARRIER hunting in the

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>From Larry Nichols: 4/8/07-Portland,Fairgrounds After having seen a few Snipe yesterday, I decided to check the fairgrounds out this morning. There were 40+ WILSON'S SNIPE feeding around the edge of the skating pond. There was also 1 GREATER YELLOWLEGS. Next, I walked further along the edge of the river until I came to one of the fields in Wangunk Meadows.There wa a NORTHERN HARRIER hunting in the field. _________________________________________________________________ Can’t afford to quit your job? – Earn your AS, BS, or MS degree online in 1 year. http://www.classesusa.com/clickcount.cfm?id=866145&goto=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.classesusa.com%2Ffeaturedschools%2Fonlinedegreesmp%2Fform-dyn1.html%3Fsplovr%3D866143