We observed a nice variety of birds feeding in the muck (dense aquatic vegetation) at the east end of Furnace Pond in East Haven just now. Most remarkable was the variety of shorebirds that included a PECTORAL SANDPIPER, two SOLITARY SANDPIPERS and a Spotted Sandpiper. There were also Blue and Green-winged Teal and a NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH feeding at the pond edge. Park at the end of Holsey Lane and observe (with care) from the north side of Route 1.
Chris Loscalzo and Marianne Vahey, Woodbridge
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We observed a nice variety of birds feeding in the muck (dense aquatic vegetation) at the east end of Furnace Pond in East Haven just now. Most remarkable was the variety of shorebirds that included a PECTORAL SANDPIPER, two SOLITARY SANDPIPERS and a Spotted Sandpiper. There were also Blue and Green-winged Teal and a NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH feeding at the pond edge. Park at the end of Holsey Lane and observe (with care) from the north side of Route 1.
Chris Loscalzo and Marianne Vahey, Woodbridge
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