[ANN] SciSmalltalk v0.16

Serge Stinckwich
Tue, Nov 18, 2014 1:15 PM

Dear all,

we are to happy to announce SciSmalltalk v0.16

SciSmalltalk is a Smalltalk project, similar to existing
scientific libraries like NumPy, SciPy for Python or SciRuby for Ruby.
SciSmalltalk already provide the following basic functionalities:

  • complex and quaternions extensions,
  • random number generators,
  • fuzzy algorithms,
  • Didier Besset's numerical methods,
  • Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solver.

Version 0.16 includes updates from Werner Kassens to several packages,
the work Nicolas Cellier about arbitrary precision floats.

SciSmalltalk project web page is here:
All the code is available under the MIT licence.

We have more than 563 green unit tests and we run a CI job here:

This version should work on Pharo 3.0/4.0 and also Squeak 4.5 (to
be confirmed).

We are looking for more code contributions and also tests, documentation !
Join the mailing-list : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/scismalltalk

Serge Stinckwich
Help fight Ebola by joining the Computing for Ebola Challenge

Dear all, we are to happy to announce SciSmalltalk v0.16 SciSmalltalk is a Smalltalk project, similar to existing scientific libraries like NumPy, SciPy for Python or SciRuby for Ruby. SciSmalltalk already provide the following basic functionalities: - complex and quaternions extensions, - random number generators, - fuzzy algorithms, - Didier Besset's numerical methods, - Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solver. Version 0.16 includes updates from Werner Kassens to several packages, the work Nicolas Cellier about arbitrary precision floats. SciSmalltalk project web page is here: https://github.com/SergeStinckwich/SciSmalltalk All the code is available under the MIT licence. We have more than 563 green unit tests and we run a CI job here: https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/SciSmalltalk/ This version should work on Pharo 3.0/4.0 and also Squeak 4.5 (to be confirmed). We are looking for more code contributions and also tests, documentation ! Join the mailing-list : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/scismalltalk -- Serge Stinckwich UCBN & UMI UMMISCO 209 (IRD/UPMC) Help fight Ebola by joining the Computing for Ebola Challenge http://bit.ly/1oEdBag