With daughter Ellynne this afternoon - Kestrel, pair Ravens, Cooper's
Hawk, 3 Turkey Vultures, 6 American Crows, male Harrier, Red-Shouldered
Hawk, Chipping Sparrow, many Song Sparrows,2 Savannah Sparrow, Chickadees,
male Bluebird, many yellow Palm Warblers, several Yellow-Rumped Warblers,
Blue Jays, Mockingbird, 2 Robins, Carolina Wren, House Finch, 2 Goldfinches.
Paul Plotnick
With daughter Ellynne this afternoon - Kestrel, pair Ravens, Cooper's
Hawk, 3 Turkey Vultures, 6 American Crows, male Harrier, Red-Shouldered
Hawk, Chipping Sparrow, many Song Sparrows,2 Savannah Sparrow, Chickadees,
male Bluebird, many yellow Palm Warblers, several Yellow-Rumped Warblers,
Blue Jays, Mockingbird, 2 Robins, Carolina Wren, House Finch, 2 Goldfinches.
Paul Plotnick