7th Workshop on the Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU) - Call for Papers

Craig Anslow
Tue, Jun 28, 2016 11:19 PM

7th Workshop on the Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU)

Co-located with SPLASH 2016

Amsterdam, Netherlands




Programming languages exist to enable programmers to develop software effectively. But how efficiently programmers can write software depends on the usability of the languages and tools that they develop with. The aim of this workshop is to discuss methods, metrics and techniques for evaluating the usability of languages and language tools. The supposed benefits of such languages and tools cover a large space, including making programs easier to read, write, and maintain; allowing programmers to write more flexible and powerful programs; and restricting programs to make them more safe and secure.

PLATEAU gathers the intersection of researchers in the programming language, programming tool, and human-computer interaction communities to share their research and discuss the future of evaluation and usability of programming languages and tools.


Some particular areas of interest are:

  • empirical studies of programming languages

  • methodologies and philosophies behind language and tool evaluation

  • software design metrics and their relations to the underlying language

  • user studies of language features and software engineering tools

  • visual techniques for understanding programming languages

  • critical comparisons of programming paradigms

  • tools to support evaluating programming languages

  • psychology of programming

  • domain specific language (e.g. database languages, security/privacy languages, architecture description languages) usability and evaluation

PLATEAU encourages submissions of three types of papers:

Research and position papers: We encourage papers that describe work-in-progress or recently completed work based on the themes and goals of the workshop or related topics, report on experiences gained, question accepted wisdom, raise challenging open problems, or propose speculative new approaches. We will accept two types of papers: research papers up to 8 pages in length; and position papers up to 2 pages in length.

Hypotheses papers: Hypotheses papers explicitly identify beliefs of the research community or software industry about how a programming language, programming language feature, or programming language tool affects programming practice. Hypotheses can be collected from mailing lists, blog posts, paper introductions, developer forums, or interviews. Papers should clearly document the source(s) of each hypothesis and discuss the importance, use, and relevance of the hypotheses on research or practice. In addition, we invite language designers to share some of the usability reasoning that influenced their work. These will serve as an important first step in advancing our understanding of how language design supports programmers.Papers may also, but are not required to, review evidence for or against the hypotheses identified. Hypotheses papers can be up to 4 pages in length.

Submission site: PLATEAU papers should be submitted via HotCRPhttps://plateau2016.hotcrp.com/.


Format: Submissions should use the SIGPLAN Proceedings Formathttp://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/ (http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/), 10 point font. Note that by default the SIGPLAN Proceedings Format produces papers in 9 point font. If you are formatting your paper using LaTeX, you will need to set the 10pt option in the \documentclass command. If you are formatting your paper using Word, you may wish to use the provided Word template that supports this font size. Please include page numbers in your submission. Setting the preprint option in the LaTeX \documentclass command generates page numbers. Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.

All types of papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library at the authors' discretion.


Alan Blackwellhttp://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~afb21/


Computer Laboratory

University of Cambridge

Cambridge, United Kingdom



Submission deadline: August 1, 2016


Kelly Blincoe, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Jeff Carver, University of Alabama, USA

Kathi Fisler, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA

Tudor Gîrba, Independent, Switzerland

Stefan Hanenberg, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Andrew Ko, University of Washington, USA

Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College, USA

Janet Siegmund, University of Passau, Germany

Jeremy Singer, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Emma Söderberg, Google, USA

Andreas Stefik, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

Ian Utting, University of Kent, United Kingdom

Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Craig Anslow, Middlesex University, UK

Thomas LaToza, George Mason University, USA

Joshua Sunshine, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

7th Workshop on the Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU) Co-located with SPLASH 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands PLATEAU 2016 http://2016.splashcon.org/track/plateau2016 CALL FOR PAPERS Programming languages exist to enable programmers to develop software effectively. But how efficiently programmers can write software depends on the usability of the languages and tools that they develop with. The aim of this workshop is to discuss methods, metrics and techniques for evaluating the usability of languages and language tools. The supposed benefits of such languages and tools cover a large space, including making programs easier to read, write, and maintain; allowing programmers to write more flexible and powerful programs; and restricting programs to make them more safe and secure. PLATEAU gathers the intersection of researchers in the programming language, programming tool, and human-computer interaction communities to share their research and discuss the future of evaluation and usability of programming languages and tools. TOPICS Some particular areas of interest are: * empirical studies of programming languages * methodologies and philosophies behind language and tool evaluation * software design metrics and their relations to the underlying language * user studies of language features and software engineering tools * visual techniques for understanding programming languages * critical comparisons of programming paradigms * tools to support evaluating programming languages * psychology of programming * domain specific language (e.g. database languages, security/privacy languages, architecture description languages) usability and evaluation PLATEAU encourages submissions of three types of papers: Research and position papers: We encourage papers that describe work-in-progress or recently completed work based on the themes and goals of the workshop or related topics, report on experiences gained, question accepted wisdom, raise challenging open problems, or propose speculative new approaches. We will accept two types of papers: research papers up to 8 pages in length; and position papers up to 2 pages in length. Hypotheses papers: Hypotheses papers explicitly identify beliefs of the research community or software industry about how a programming language, programming language feature, or programming language tool affects programming practice. Hypotheses can be collected from mailing lists, blog posts, paper introductions, developer forums, or interviews. Papers should clearly document the source(s) of each hypothesis and discuss the importance, use, and relevance of the hypotheses on research or practice. In addition, we invite language designers to share some of the usability reasoning that influenced their work. These will serve as an important first step in advancing our understanding of how language design supports programmers.Papers may also, but are not required to, review evidence for or against the hypotheses identified. Hypotheses papers can be up to 4 pages in length. Submission site: PLATEAU papers should be submitted via HotCRP<https://plateau2016.hotcrp.com/>. https://plateau2016.hotcrp.com/ Format: Submissions should use the SIGPLAN Proceedings Format<http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/> (http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/), 10 point font. Note that by default the SIGPLAN Proceedings Format produces papers in 9 point font. If you are formatting your paper using LaTeX, you will need to set the 10pt option in the \documentclass command. If you are formatting your paper using Word, you may wish to use the provided Word template that supports this font size. Please include page numbers in your submission. Setting the preprint option in the LaTeX \documentclass command generates page numbers. Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible. All types of papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library at the authors' discretion. KEYNOTE Alan Blackwell<http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~afb21/> Professor Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge Cambridge, United Kingdom http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~afb21/ DATES Submission deadline: August 1, 2016 PROGRAM COMMITTEE Kelly Blincoe, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Jeff Carver, University of Alabama, USA Kathi Fisler, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA Tudor Gîrba, Independent, Switzerland Stefan Hanenberg, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Andrew Ko, University of Washington, USA Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College, USA Janet Siegmund, University of Passau, Germany Jeremy Singer, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Emma Söderberg, Google, USA Andreas Stefik, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA Ian Utting, University of Kent, United Kingdom Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom ORGANIZERS Craig Anslow, Middlesex University, UK Thomas LaToza, George Mason University, USA Joshua Sunshine, Carnegie Mellon University, USA