Special issue on "Advances in Dynamic Languages"
Special issue of Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming (SCICO)
Over recent years we have seen an increased interest in dynamic
programming languages such as Smalltalk, Lisp, Scheme, PHP, JavaScript,
Self, Python, Ruby, and so on. These languages have taken a prominent
role in teaching, web development, scripting, rapid prototyping, tool
building, language engineering, and many other domains.
For this special issue we invite high-quality papers that focus on novel
research related to dynamic programming languages and applications of
these languages.
We are interested in research that uses dynamic languages in the context
of, but not restricted to:
- Aspects, aspect Languages and applications.
- Ambient intelligence, ubiquitous / pervasive computing and embedded
- Compilation technology, optimization, virtual machines.
- Language engineering, extensions.
- Model-driven engineering / development.
- Meta-modeling, reflection and meta-programming.
- Programming in the large; design, architectures and components.
- Programming environments, browsers, user interfaces, UI frameworks.
- Source-code analysis and manipulation (static analysis, refactoring,
type inference, metrics).
- Testing, eXtreme Programming / practices.
- Web services, internet applications, event-driven programming.
- Experience reports.
The special issue is associated with the Smalltalks 2011 conference. The
Smalltalks series of conferences (www.fast.org.ar) is a lively forum on
Smalltalk-based software technologies that brings together more than 200
people from both academia and industry for a period of three days.
Submission Guidelines
Papers should be written in English, in PDF-format and should not exceed
25 pages (including references and figures), using the Elsevier journal
format. The LaTeX template for this format can be found at
Papers must be submitted through the EES submission system located at
http://ees.elsevier.com/scico/default.asp. When reaching the "Article
type" step in the submission process, it is important to select "Special
issue: Advances in Dynamic Languages".
Each paper will be reviewed by at least 3 experts within the domain. The
accepted papers will be published in a special edition of Elsevier's
Science of Computer Programming.
Papers submitted must not have been previously published (at least 30%
new material) and must not be under review for publication elsewhere.
Papers must strictly adhere to submission guidelines. If you have
questions, please send an e-mail to Jannik Laval (jlaval@labri.fr) and
Andy Kellens (akellens@vub.ac.be).
Important dates (tentatively)
- Submission round 1: March 16, 2012
- Feedback round 1: May 17, 2012
- Submission round 2: June 29, 2012
- Feedback round 2 (final notification): August 17, 2012
- Camera ready version: September 14, 2012
Guest editors
- Andy Kellens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
- Jannik Laval (LaBRI Bordeaux, France)
vwnc mailing list
Special issue on "Advances in Dynamic Languages"
Special issue of Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming (SCICO)
Over recent years we have seen an increased interest in dynamic
programming languages such as Smalltalk, Lisp, Scheme, PHP, JavaScript,
Self, Python, Ruby, and so on. These languages have taken a prominent
role in teaching, web development, scripting, rapid prototyping, tool
building, language engineering, and many other domains.
For this special issue we invite high-quality papers that focus on novel
research related to dynamic programming languages and applications of
these languages.
We are interested in research that uses dynamic languages in the context
of, but not restricted to:
- Aspects, aspect Languages and applications.
- Ambient intelligence, ubiquitous / pervasive computing and embedded
- Compilation technology, optimization, virtual machines.
- Language engineering, extensions.
- Model-driven engineering / development.
- Meta-modeling, reflection and meta-programming.
- Programming in the large; design, architectures and components.
- Programming environments, browsers, user interfaces, UI frameworks.
- Source-code analysis and manipulation (static analysis, refactoring,
type inference, metrics).
- Testing, eXtreme Programming / practices.
- Web services, internet applications, event-driven programming.
- Experience reports.
The special issue is associated with the Smalltalks 2011 conference. The
Smalltalks series of conferences (www.fast.org.ar) is a lively forum on
Smalltalk-based software technologies that brings together more than 200
people from both academia and industry for a period of three days.
Submission Guidelines
Papers should be written in English, in PDF-format and should not exceed
25 pages (including references and figures), using the Elsevier journal
format. The LaTeX template for this format can be found at
Papers must be submitted through the EES submission system located at
http://ees.elsevier.com/scico/default.asp. When reaching the "Article
type" step in the submission process, it is important to select "Special
issue: Advances in Dynamic Languages".
Each paper will be reviewed by at least 3 experts within the domain. The
accepted papers will be published in a special edition of Elsevier's
Science of Computer Programming.
Papers submitted must not have been previously published (at least 30%
new material) and must not be under review for publication elsewhere.
Papers must strictly adhere to submission guidelines. If you have
questions, please send an e-mail to Jannik Laval (jlaval@labri.fr) and
Andy Kellens (akellens@vub.ac.be).
Important dates (tentatively)
- Submission round 1: March 16, 2012
- Feedback round 1: May 17, 2012
- Submission round 2: June 29, 2012
- Feedback round 2 (final notification): August 17, 2012
- Camera ready version: September 14, 2012
Guest editors
- Andy Kellens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
- Jannik Laval (LaBRI Bordeaux, France)
vwnc mailing list