[ANN] Fog - Ethereum driver

Santiago Bragagnolo
Mon, Mar 13, 2017 3:00 PM

Hi all. Im happy to announce a pre release of the Fog ethereum driver that
we develop in the space of an Inria project.

It still not complete but is already usable for some experiments and simple

You can downloadit from

Dependencies https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#rhashRHash

sudo apt-get install rhash


npm install solc

https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#download-codeDownload code
https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#iceberg--baselineIceberg / Baseline

baseline: 'Fog';
repository:  'github://sbragagnolo/Fog:v0.1.1.1/src';

https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#by-handBy hand

You may want to use this version for having access to some scripts and
contracts samples.

git checkout git@github.com:sbragagnolo/Fog.git

git checkout v0.1.1.1

baseline: 'Fog';
repository: 'filetree:///path/to/git-repository/Fog/src';;

It's based on the standar API for javascript (
https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JavaScript-API) .

It provides interaction with remote contracts, it do as well provides a way
for navigating the architecture objects: blocks, transactions, accounts and

I hope you find it useful.

Feel free to fill the github issue tracker with anything you find :).

I will come to you with some new exciting news about ethereum soon :)


Hi all. Im happy to announce a pre release of the Fog ethereum driver that we develop in the space of an Inria project. It still not complete but is already usable for some experiments and simple projects. You can downloadit from https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog/ (https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog/releases/tag/v0.1.1.1) Dependencies <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#rhash>RHash sudo apt-get install rhash <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#solidity>Solidity npm install solc <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#download-code>Download code <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#iceberg--baseline>Iceberg / Baseline Metacello new baseline: 'Fog'; repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/Fog:v0.1.1.1/src'; load. <https://github.com/sbragagnolo/Fog#by-hand>By hand You may want to use this version for having access to some scripts and contracts samples. git checkout git@github.com:sbragagnolo/Fog.git git checkout v0.1.1.1 Metacello new baseline: 'Fog'; repository: 'filetree:///path/to/git-repository/Fog/src';; load. It's based on the standar API for javascript ( https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JavaScript-API) . It provides interaction with remote contracts, it do as well provides a way for navigating the architecture objects: blocks, transactions, accounts and contracts. I hope you find it useful. Feel free to fill the github issue tracker with anything you find :). I will come to you with some new exciting news about ethereum soon :) Santiago.