Loic Lagadec
Thu, Jun 14, 2012 8:00 AM
Dear smalltalkers, We would like to inform you that we will extend the
deadline for IWST 2012 submission to Monday, June 25th. We have received
several requests asking for a delay concerning the submission deadline.
Please can you disseminate this information and use the CFP to invite some
of your colleagues/students/partners to submit papers. Your support is
essential to make IWST 2012 a success. Please find attached to this
message the CFP (with deadline extension), so as you can disseminate the
CFP through your own mailing lists. We also hope you will be able to submit
some of your contributions. Thank you for your interest in IWST'2012 and
if you have any questions, feel free to contact us, it will be our pleasure
to exchange with you. Best regards, Program Co-chairs Loïc Lagadec, Alain
Plantec Lab-STICC, Université de Bretagne Occidentale INTERNATIONAL
WORKSHOP ON SMALLTALK TECHNOLOGIES 2012 August 28th, 2012 Gent, Belgium.
ESUG 2012 Smalltalk joint event IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: June
15, June 25 2012 EXTENDED DEADLINE Notification deadline: July 15, 2012 All
accepted papers will be published in ACM DL, and the authors of the best
papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a journal special
issue (To Be Confirmed). GOALS AND SCOPES The goals of the workshop is to
create a forum around advances or experience in Smalltalk and to trigger
discussions and exchanges of ideas. Participants are invited to submit
research articles. We will not enforce any length restriction. However we
expect papers of two kinds: Short position papers describing emerging
ideas. Long research papers with deeper description of experiments and of
research results. Topics We welcome contributions on all aspects,
theoretical as well as practical, of Smalltalk related topics such as:
- Aspect-oriented programming,
- Design patterns,
- Experience reports,
- Frameworks,
- Implementation, new dialects or languages implemented in Smalltalk,
- Interaction with other languages,
- Meta-programming and Meta-modeling,
- Tools
submissions and final papers must be prepared using the ACM SIGPLAN 10
point format. Templates for Word and LaTeX are available at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm. This site also
contains links to useful informations on how to write effective
submissions. PROGRAM CHAIRSLoïc Lagadec and Alain Plantec (LabSticc
CACS/CNRS, University of Brest, France) PROGRAM COMMITTEEGabriela
Arevalo Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina Alexandre Bergel
University of Chile Andrew P. Black Portland State University, US
Marcus Denker Rmod, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France Luc Fabresse
Ecole des Mines de Douai, France, Tudor Girba CompuGroup Medical
Schweiz, Switzerland Andy Kellens Software Languages Lab, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Mickaël Kerboeuf LabSticc, University of
Brest, France Jannik Laval LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, France Mariano
Martinez Peck Ecole des Mines de Douai, France, Lukas Renggli Google,
Switzerland Jorge Ressia Software Composition Group, University of Bern,
Switzerland Bastian Steinert HPI, Software Architecture Group, Germany
Hernan Wilkinson 10Pines, IT consultancy, Buenos Aires, Argentina Roel
Wuyts IMEC Leuven, Belgium [1]
[1] http://www.univ-brest.fr
Dear smalltalkers, We would like to inform you that we will extend the
deadline for IWST 2012 submission to Monday, June 25th. We have received
several requests asking for a delay concerning the submission deadline.
Please can you disseminate this information and use the CFP to invite some
of your colleagues/students/partners to submit papers. Your support is
essential to make IWST 2012 a success. Please find attached to this
message the CFP (with deadline extension), so as you can disseminate the
CFP through your own mailing lists. We also hope you will be able to submit
some of your contributions. Thank you for your interest in IWST'2012 and
if you have any questions, feel free to contact us, it will be our pleasure
to exchange with you. Best regards, Program Co-chairs Loïc Lagadec, Alain
Plantec Lab-STICC, Université de Bretagne Occidentale INTERNATIONAL
WORKSHOP ON SMALLTALK TECHNOLOGIES 2012 August 28th, 2012 Gent, Belgium.
ESUG 2012 Smalltalk joint event IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: June
15, June 25 2012 EXTENDED DEADLINE Notification deadline: July 15, 2012 All
accepted papers will be published in ACM DL, and the authors of the best
papers will be invited to submit an extended version to a journal special
issue (To Be Confirmed). GOALS AND SCOPES The goals of the workshop is to
create a forum around advances or experience in Smalltalk and to trigger
discussions and exchanges of ideas. Participants are invited to submit
research articles. We will not enforce any length restriction. However we
expect papers of two kinds: Short position papers describing emerging
ideas. Long research papers with deeper description of experiments and of
research results. Topics We welcome contributions on all aspects,
theoretical as well as practical, of Smalltalk related topics such as:
* Aspect-oriented programming,
* Design patterns,
* Experience reports,
* Frameworks,
* Implementation, new dialects or languages implemented in Smalltalk,
* Interaction with other languages,
* Meta-programming and Meta-modeling,
* Tools
submissions and final papers must be prepared using the ACM SIGPLAN 10
point format. Templates for Word and LaTeX are available at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm. This site also
contains links to useful informations on how to write effective
submissions. PROGRAM CHAIRSLoïc Lagadec and Alain Plantec (LabSticc
CACS/CNRS, University of Brest, France) PROGRAM COMMITTEEGabriela
Arevalo Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina Alexandre Bergel
University of Chile Andrew P. Black Portland State University, US
Marcus Denker Rmod, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France Luc Fabresse
Ecole des Mines de Douai, France, Tudor Girba CompuGroup Medical
Schweiz, Switzerland Andy Kellens Software Languages Lab, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Mickaël Kerboeuf LabSticc, University of
Brest, France Jannik Laval LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, France Mariano
Martinez Peck Ecole des Mines de Douai, France, Lukas Renggli Google,
Switzerland Jorge Ressia Software Composition Group, University of Bern,
Switzerland Bastian Steinert HPI, Software Architecture Group, Germany
Hernan Wilkinson 10Pines, IT consultancy, Buenos Aires, Argentina Roel
Wuyts IMEC Leuven, Belgium [1]
[1] http://www.univ-brest.fr