Plan to get going at the Chestnut Hill Hawk Watch site in Litchfield, CT on 9 Sept 2024 (Monday), weather permitting. The hawk watch is located at the intersection of Camp Dutton and Chestnut Hill Road in Litchfield. We are generally there from about 11 AM (10 AM standard time for data collection) until mid to late afternoon depending on if it's good flight day, Based on a spread sheet the late Neil Currie completed in 2004 for hawks counted in migration at Chestnut Hill hawks in migration have been counted at Chestnut Hill since 1973. Three thousand six hundred eighty three Broad-winged Hawks were recorded migrating at Chestnut Hill in September 1973 during 20 hours of observation. The count site is mainly for Broad-winged Hawks in migration and is just held for about two and a half weeks or so in Septembers.
David W BabingtonWashington, CT . . . .
Plan to get going at the Chestnut Hill Hawk Watch site in Litchfield, CT on 9 Sept 2024 (Monday), weather permitting. The hawk watch is located at the intersection of Camp Dutton and Chestnut Hill Road in Litchfield. We are generally there from about 11 AM (10 AM standard time for data collection) until mid to late afternoon depending on if it's good flight day, Based on a spread sheet the late Neil Currie completed in 2004 for hawks counted in migration at Chestnut Hill hawks in migration have been counted at Chestnut Hill since 1973. Three thousand six hundred eighty three Broad-winged Hawks were recorded migrating at Chestnut Hill in September 1973 during 20 hours of observation. The count site is mainly for Broad-winged Hawks in migration and is just held for about two and a half weeks or so in Septembers.
David W BabingtonWashington, CT . . . .