Call for papers: SMALLTALKS 2011

Tue, Jun 14, 2011 7:22 PM


5th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies
Research Track: Call for Papers
November 3th - 5th, 2011

Important dates:

Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011.
Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011.

Conference Location: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)

The Smalltalks series of conferences ( is a lively forum on Smalltalk-based software
technologies that brings together more than 200 people from both academia and industry for a period of three days.

Past editions of Smalltalks have included many high-quality presentations from industry and research.
These contributions have shown interesting applications of Smalltalk, advances in the Smalltalk language, didactic uses of Smalltalk and so on.

Similar to last year, Smalltalks 2011 will include a dedicated research track.
We welcome submissions to this research track presenting original scientific contributions to, or using, Smalltalk in general.

Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

  •    Aspects, Aspect Languages and Applications. 
  •    Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing and Embedded Systems. 
  •    Compilation Technology, Optimization, Virtual Machines. 
  •    Educational Material. 
  •    Language Engineering, Extensions. 
  •    Model Driven Engineering / Development. 
  •    Meta-Modeling, Reflection and Meta-programming. 
  •    Programming in the Large, Design, Architectures and Components. 
  •    Programming Environments, Browsers, User Interfaces, UI Frameworks. 
  •    Source-code analysis and manipulation (Static analysis, refactoring, type inference, metrics). 
  •    Team Management. 
  •    Testing, Extreme Programming / Practices. 
  •    Web Services, Internet Applications, Event-driven Programming. 
  •    Experience Reports. 

Important dates:

Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011.
Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011.


Papers should be written in English, in PDF-format and should not exceed 15
pages (including references and figures), using the Elsevier journal format.

Templates for LaTeX formats can be found at

Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission web site at

The accepted papers will be digitally available on the conference
website. We are currently negotiating a special edition of a journal for which the best papers will get invited.

Papers submitted must not have been previously published and must not be
under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must strictly adhere to
submission guidelines. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to
Jannik Laval and Andy Kellens to

Program Committee

  • Gonzalo Zabala (Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina)
  • Hernan Wilkinson (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Serge Stinckwich (Institut de recherche pour le developppement, France)
  • Mircea Lungu (University of Bern, Switzerland)
  • Tudor Girba (Sw-eng. Software Engineering GmbH, Switzerland)
  • Johan Fabry (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
  • Luc Fabresse (Ecole des Mines Douai, France)
  • Marcus Denker (INRIA Lille, France)
  • Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Damien Cassou (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany)
  • Gilad Bracha (SAP Labs, Palo Alto, USA)
  • Noury Bouraqadi (Ecole des Mines Douai, France)
  • Alexandre Bergel (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
  • Gabriela Arevalo (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina)

Program Chairs

Andy Kellens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Jannik Laval (INRIA Lille/LABRI Bordeaux, France)

Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)

CALL FOR PAPERS SMALLTALKS 2011 5th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies Research Track: Call for Papers November 3th - 5th, 2011 Important dates: Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours). Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011. Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference Location: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina) The Smalltalks series of conferences ( is a lively forum on Smalltalk-based software technologies that brings together more than 200 people from both academia and industry for a period of three days. Past editions of Smalltalks have included many high-quality presentations from industry and research. These contributions have shown interesting applications of Smalltalk, advances in the Smalltalk language, didactic uses of Smalltalk and so on. Similar to last year, Smalltalks 2011 will include a dedicated research track. We welcome submissions to this research track presenting original scientific contributions to, or using, Smalltalk in general. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: - Aspects, Aspect Languages and Applications. - Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing and Embedded Systems. - Compilation Technology, Optimization, Virtual Machines. - Educational Material. - Language Engineering, Extensions. - Model Driven Engineering / Development. - Meta-Modeling, Reflection and Meta-programming. - Programming in the Large, Design, Architectures and Components. - Programming Environments, Browsers, User Interfaces, UI Frameworks. - Source-code analysis and manipulation (Static analysis, refactoring, type inference, metrics). - Team Management. - Testing, Extreme Programming / Practices. - Web Services, Internet Applications, Event-driven Programming. - Experience Reports. Important dates: Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours). Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011. Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011. Papers: Papers should be written in English, in PDF-format and should not exceed 15 pages (including references and figures), using the Elsevier journal format. Templates for LaTeX formats can be found at Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission web site at The accepted papers will be digitally available on the conference website. We are currently negotiating a special edition of a journal for which the best papers will get invited. Papers submitted must not have been previously published and must not be under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must strictly adhere to submission guidelines. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to Jannik Laval and Andy Kellens to Program Committee -------------------------- - Gonzalo Zabala (Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina) - Hernan Wilkinson (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) - Serge Stinckwich (Institut de recherche pour le developppement, France) - Mircea Lungu (University of Bern, Switzerland) - Tudor Girba (Sw-eng. Software Engineering GmbH, Switzerland) - Johan Fabry (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile) - Luc Fabresse (Ecole des Mines Douai, France) - Marcus Denker (INRIA Lille, France) - Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) - Damien Cassou (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany) - Gilad Bracha (SAP Labs, Palo Alto, USA) - Noury Bouraqadi (Ecole des Mines Douai, France) - Alexandre Bergel (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile) - Gabriela Arevalo (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) Program Chairs -------------------- Andy Kellens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) Jannik Laval (INRIA Lille/LABRI Bordeaux, France) --- Jannik Laval PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA) ---
Sat, Jul 9, 2011 10:10 AM

UPDATED: Special Issue Publication

The best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work in a special issue of the International Journal SCP (Science of Computer Programming),


5th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies
Research Track: Call for Papers
November 3th - 5th, 2011

Important dates:

Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011.
Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011.

Conference Location: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina)

The Smalltalks series of conferences ( is a lively forum on Smalltalk-based software
technologies that brings together more than 200 people from both academia and industry for a period of three days.

Past editions of Smalltalks have included many high-quality presentations from industry and research.
These contributions have shown interesting applications of Smalltalk, advances in the Smalltalk language, didactic uses of Smalltalk and so on.

Similar to last year, Smalltalks 2011 will include a dedicated research track.
We welcome submissions to this research track presenting original scientific contributions to, or using, Smalltalk in general.

Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

  •    Aspects, Aspect Languages and Applications. 
  •    Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing and Embedded Systems. 
  •    Compilation Technology, Optimization, Virtual Machines. 
  •    Educational Material. 
  •    Language Engineering, Extensions. 
  •    Model Driven Engineering / Development. 
  •    Meta-Modeling, Reflection and Meta-programming. 
  •    Programming in the Large, Design, Architectures and Components. 
  •    Programming Environments, Browsers, User Interfaces, UI Frameworks. 
  •    Source-code analysis and manipulation (Static analysis, refactoring, type inference, metrics). 
  •    Team Management. 
  •    Testing, Extreme Programming / Practices. 
  •    Web Services, Internet Applications, Event-driven Programming. 
  •    Experience Reports. 

Important dates:

Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011.
Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011.


Papers should be written in English, in PDF-format and should not exceed 15
pages (including references and figures), using the Elsevier journal format.

Templates for LaTeX formats can be found at

Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission web site at

The accepted papers will be digitally available on the conference
website. We are currently negotiating a special edition of a journal for which the best papers will get invited.

Papers submitted must not have been previously published and must not be
under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must strictly adhere to
submission guidelines. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to
Jannik Laval and Andy Kellens to

Special Issue Publication

The best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work in a special issue of the International Journal SCP (Science of Computer Programming),

Program Committee

  • Gonzalo Zabala (Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina)
  • Hernan Wilkinson (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Serge Stinckwich (Institut de recherche pour le developppement, France)
  • Mircea Lungu (University of Bern, Switzerland)
  • Tudor Girba (Sw-eng. Software Engineering GmbH, Switzerland)
  • Johan Fabry (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
  • Luc Fabresse (Ecole des Mines Douai, France)
  • Marcus Denker (INRIA Lille, France)
  • Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
  • Damien Cassou (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany)
  • Gilad Bracha (SAP Labs, Palo Alto, USA)
  • Noury Bouraqadi (Ecole des Mines Douai, France)
  • Alexandre Bergel (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
  • Gabriela Arevalo (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina)

Program Chairs

Andy Kellens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Jannik Laval (INRIA Lille/LABRI Bordeaux, France)

Dr. Jannik Laval
Rmod Team - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)

UPDATED: Special Issue Publication The best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work in a special issue of the International Journal SCP (Science of Computer Programming), > > CALL FOR PAPERS > > > SMALLTALKS 2011 > 5th International Conference on Smalltalk Technologies > Research Track: Call for Papers > November 3th - 5th, 2011 > > Important dates: > > Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours). > Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011. > Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011. > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > Conference Location: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Argentina) > > The Smalltalks series of conferences ( is a lively forum on Smalltalk-based software > technologies that brings together more than 200 people from both academia and industry for a period of three days. > > Past editions of Smalltalks have included many high-quality presentations from industry and research. > These contributions have shown interesting applications of Smalltalk, advances in the Smalltalk language, didactic uses of Smalltalk and so on. > > Similar to last year, Smalltalks 2011 will include a dedicated research track. > We welcome submissions to this research track presenting original scientific contributions to, or using, Smalltalk in general. > > Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: > > - Aspects, Aspect Languages and Applications. > - Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing and Embedded Systems. > - Compilation Technology, Optimization, Virtual Machines. > - Educational Material. > - Language Engineering, Extensions. > - Model Driven Engineering / Development. > - Meta-Modeling, Reflection and Meta-programming. > - Programming in the Large, Design, Architectures and Components. > - Programming Environments, Browsers, User Interfaces, UI Frameworks. > - Source-code analysis and manipulation (Static analysis, refactoring, type inference, metrics). > - Team Management. > - Testing, Extreme Programming / Practices. > - Web Services, Internet Applications, Event-driven Programming. > - Experience Reports. > > Important dates: > > Submission (Hard Deadline): August 22th, 2011 (Argentinian time: UTC/GMT -3 hours). > Notification of acceptance: September 23th, 2011. > Camera Ready Submission: October 7th, 2011. > > Papers: > > Papers should be written in English, in PDF-format and should not exceed 15 > pages (including references and figures), using the Elsevier journal format. > > Templates for LaTeX formats can be found at > > > Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission web site at > > > The accepted papers will be digitally available on the conference > website. We are currently negotiating a special edition of a journal for which the best papers will get invited. > > Papers submitted must not have been previously published and must not be > under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must strictly adhere to > submission guidelines. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to > Jannik Laval and Andy Kellens to Special Issue Publication -------------------------- The best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work in a special issue of the International Journal SCP (Science of Computer Programming), > > Program Committee > -------------------------- > - Gonzalo Zabala (Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina) > - Hernan Wilkinson (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) > - Serge Stinckwich (Institut de recherche pour le developppement, France) > - Mircea Lungu (University of Bern, Switzerland) > - Tudor Girba (Sw-eng. Software Engineering GmbH, Switzerland) > - Johan Fabry (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile) > - Luc Fabresse (Ecole des Mines Douai, France) > - Marcus Denker (INRIA Lille, France) > - Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) > - Damien Cassou (Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam, Germany) > - Gilad Bracha (SAP Labs, Palo Alto, USA) > - Noury Bouraqadi (Ecole des Mines Douai, France) > - Alexandre Bergel (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile) > - Gabriela Arevalo (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina) > > Program Chairs > -------------------- > Andy Kellens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) > Jannik Laval (INRIA Lille/LABRI Bordeaux, France) --- Dr. Jannik Laval Rmod Team - INRIA Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA) ---