We have a team of 8 smalltalkers with 8+ years experience in smalltalk.
The areas of expertise include Visual works, Squeak, Seaside, Glorp,Store
and also thorough with OOAD and have hands on experience in Agile
Do you think there are chances of getting smalltalk related work for the
team (development,support or conversion)?, especially when we are not
having any marketing team for ourselves.
We are also ready to do man power supply of smalltalk resources but needs
work permit outside India.
Do you think it is better to search jobs individually or wait for projects
as a team?
Is it worth maintaining such a team?
Can someone suggest some way to search smalltalk work for our team?
If someone wants to know more about the team or what we can offer, please
let me know
Mani S Kartha
maniskartha <At> gmail <dot> com