FW: Sculpture Loan Call for Artists in Everett, WA

Strom-Avila, Naomi
Thu, Oct 3, 2024 5:04 PM

See below for information about a sculpture loan opportunity in downtown Everett...

Calls For Artists | Everett, WA - Official Website (everettwa.gov)https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.everettwa.gov/2758/Calls-For-Artists__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZVTY9T7Ug$

The City of Everett invites artists to submit proposals for the Sculpture Lease Project. This initiative aims to enrich public spaces by showcasing sculptures on a two-year lease, celebrating, and enhancing the cultural and artistic diversity of the City of Everett. Selected sculptures will be displayed in designated public areas in Downtown Everett, providing visibility and engagement for the artists while beautifying the city.

Funding for this project comes from the American Rescue Plan Act.

The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.


1 Celebrate and capture the essence of Everett's culture: The sculptures should reflect the diverse population, highlight the rich history, showcase the strong sense of community, and emphasize a commitment to inclusion.

2 Revitalize and inspire the community through beautiful artistic expression: Placing sculptures in public spaces not only enhances the city's identity but also engages the community and visitors, creating a dynamic and aesthetically pleasing environment.


The City of Everett will collaborate with the chosen artist(s) to determine the optimal locations for the sculptures. The sculptures must be suitable for outdoor display and able to withstand various weather conditions.


The project has established a lease fee of $1,500 per sculpture for a two-year lease. This fee includes all expenses related to the planning, creation, installation, and any necessary maintenance of the sculpture during the lease period.


Thanks for sharing however you can. And, if I can answer any questions, please let me know.


[cid:image002.png@01DB157B.B0F97220]Kari Quaas
Project Coordinator, Placemaking and Events | Economic Development
O: 425-257-7114 | C: 425-328-5237 | 2930 Wetmore Ave, Suite 10A, Everett, WA 98201
E: kquaas@everettwa.govmailto:kquaas@everettwa.gov
everettwa.gov https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.everettwa.gov/__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZWLdv2jAw$  | Facebookhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.facebook.com/EverettCity__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZUa9cj8pA$  | Twitterhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.twitter.com/EverettCity__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZUMQJcF1w$

Note: Emails and attachments sent to and from the City of Everett are public records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public Records Act.

See below for information about a sculpture loan opportunity in downtown Everett... Calls For Artists | Everett, WA - Official Website (everettwa.gov)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.everettwa.gov/2758/Calls-For-Artists__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZVTY9T7Ug$> The City of Everett invites artists to submit proposals for the Sculpture Lease Project. This initiative aims to enrich public spaces by showcasing sculptures on a two-year lease, celebrating, and enhancing the cultural and artistic diversity of the City of Everett. Selected sculptures will be displayed in designated public areas in Downtown Everett, providing visibility and engagement for the artists while beautifying the city. Funding for this project comes from the American Rescue Plan Act. The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. 1.2 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 Celebrate and capture the essence of Everett's culture: The sculptures should reflect the diverse population, highlight the rich history, showcase the strong sense of community, and emphasize a commitment to inclusion. 2 Revitalize and inspire the community through beautiful artistic expression: Placing sculptures in public spaces not only enhances the city's identity but also engages the community and visitors, creating a dynamic and aesthetically pleasing environment. 1.3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT SITE The City of Everett will collaborate with the chosen artist(s) to determine the optimal locations for the sculptures. The sculptures must be suitable for outdoor display and able to withstand various weather conditions. 1.4 PROJECT BUDGET The project has established a lease fee of $1,500 per sculpture for a two-year lease. This fee includes all expenses related to the planning, creation, installation, and any necessary maintenance of the sculpture during the lease period. 1.5 PROJECT TIMELINE * Call for Artists: September 12, 2024 * Responses Due: October 15, 2024 * Artist(s) Selected: On or before November 1, 2024 * Artist(s) Contracting: November 2024 * Installation Period: December 2024, January 2025 Online application<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.everettwa.gov/FormCenter/Cultural-Arts-17/Call-for-artists-Sculpture-Leases-in-Dow-482__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZXK4p5i0A$> Thanks for sharing however you can. And, if I can answer any questions, please let me know. Kindly, Kari [cid:image002.png@01DB157B.B0F97220]Kari Quaas Project Coordinator, Placemaking and Events | Economic Development O: 425-257-7114 | C: 425-328-5237 | 2930 Wetmore Ave, Suite 10A, Everett, WA 98201 E: kquaas@everettwa.gov<mailto:kquaas@everettwa.gov> everettwa.gov <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.everettwa.gov/__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZWLdv2jAw$> | Facebook<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.facebook.com/EverettCity__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZUa9cj8pA$> | Twitter<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.twitter.com/EverettCity__;!!CRCbkf1f!UBeCTTKLLOHotmSoL49HG4DkGopcGDpSKv5Mzw_ZdNRVicwrL8wmEgXFcxAPTUoJ4F3b73KQtR0_PVEdwys_LZUMQJcF1w$> Note: Emails and attachments sent to and from the City of Everett are public records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public Records Act.