Hello, this is Daniel Garcia from the Arts and Cultural Vitality Division with the City of Tacoma. I wanted to invite you to join us in tackling the challenge of solid waste!
We're transforming waste into stunning community artwork for Tacoma Arts Month, October 2024, at the Tacoma Transfer and Recovery Center. Your contributions can make a difference!
When to Contribute:
July 15 - August 15
Where to Drop Off:
Tacoma Recycling Center
3510 S Mullen Street
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM, 7 Days/Week
What to Bring:
Clean & dry non-recyclable produce mesh
Let's come together to create art from waste and raise awareness about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Have questions? Reach out to artist Teruko Nimura at N-Tnimura@cityoftacoma.org.
Special thank you to the crews at Tacoma Environmental Services and the City of Tacoma Government for making this possible.
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Community Programs Specialist
Arts & Cultural Vitality Division
Arts & Cultural Vitality Divisionhttp://www.cityoftacoma.org/arts | Tacoma Createshttp://www.tacomacreates.org/