This wet, rainy, turbulent, southerly, blocking weather is almost over. The
machine, the fan, is going to turn on tomorrow. There will be moderate
northwest, then west-northwest, winds all weekend. If there are any hawks
left in the pipeline to our north, they may be coming through. CT's
full-season hawk sites (Lighthouse Park, New Haven; Quaker Ridge,
Greenwich) may have some good counts, at least for late November.
These conditions are also ideal for a rarity or two to be captured in the
Rarity Round-up, which starts tomorrow. Something could turn up anywhere.
Try to get out to experience this potential "last hurrah" of the exciting
2024 migration season.
Steve Mayo
This wet, rainy, turbulent, southerly, blocking weather is almost over. The
machine, the fan, is going to turn on tomorrow. There will be moderate
northwest, then west-northwest, winds all weekend. If there are any hawks
left in the pipeline to our north, they may be coming through. CT's
full-season hawk sites (Lighthouse Park, New Haven; Quaker Ridge,
Greenwich) may have some good counts, at least for late November.
These conditions are also ideal for a rarity or two to be captured in the
Rarity Round-up, which starts tomorrow. Something could turn up anywhere.
Try to get out to experience this potential "last hurrah" of the exciting
2024 migration season.
Steve Mayo