12/14/24 9:30am to noontime. Hammonasset Beach State Park Madison, CT. in addition to the continuing immature male KING EIDER at Meig’s point platform/jetty, all three scooters were seen, western Palm Warbler at the Pebble Beach area, one Lapland Longspur,and two snow bunting in the Horned Lark flock at the nature center parking lot. The lark flock was flushed briefly by a Merlin. The highlight for me was two American Tree Sparrows at the west end. I find these are declining in general compared with many years ago. Although cold, it was sunny and no wind, so pleasant enough for the season.
Dan Rottino
East Haddam, CT
12/14/24 9:30am to noontime. Hammonasset Beach State Park Madison, CT. in addition to the continuing immature male KING EIDER at Meig’s point platform/jetty, all three scooters were seen, western Palm Warbler at the Pebble Beach area, one Lapland Longspur,and two snow bunting in the Horned Lark flock at the nature center parking lot. The lark flock was flushed briefly by a Merlin. The highlight for me was two American Tree Sparrows at the west end. I find these are declining in general compared with many years ago. Although cold, it was sunny and no wind, so pleasant enough for the season.
Dan Rottino
East Haddam, CT