4th Argentinian Smalltalk Conference
Research Track: Call for Papers
November 11th - 13th, 2010
Important dates:
Submission (Hard Deadline): September 7th, 2010 (Argentinian time:
UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: October 6th, 2010.
Camera Ready Submission: October 20th, 2010.
Conference Site: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos, Argentina)
In the past three years the Smalltalks series of conferences
(www.fast.org) have been a lively forum on Smalltalk-based software technologies that attracted over more than 200 people from both academia and industry for three days.
During the first three conferences, the industrial partners showed the applicability of Smalltalk in business, while researches (both students and professors) showed their advances and didactic uses of Smalltalk.
The presented
approaches and methodologies concerned the language, its implementation
technology, its programming tools as well as the software development culture it supports.
This year the accepted papers not only will be available in the website but also the best ranked ones will be published in a special edition of Elsevier COMLAN Journal. Thus, we invite to submit papers in the research track on original scientific research conducted in and/or for Smalltalk in general.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
Aspects, Aspect Languages and Applications.
Ambient Intelligence, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Computing and
Embedded Systems.
Compilation Technology, Optimization, Virtual Machines.
Educational Material.
Language Engineering, Extensions.
Model Driven Engineering / Development.
Meta-Modeling, Reflection and Meta-programming.
Programming in the Large, Design, Architectures and Components.
Programming Environments, Browsers, User Interfaces, UI
Reasoning About Code (Analysis, Refactoring, Type Inference,
Team Management.
Testing, Extreme Programming / Practices.
Web Services, Internet Applications, Event-driven Programming.
Experience Reports.
Important dates:
Submission (Hard Deadline): September 7th, 2010 (Argentinian time:
UTC/GMT -3 hours).
Notification of acceptance: October 6th, 2010.
Camera Ready Submission: October 20th, 2010.
Papers should be written in English, in pdf-format and not exceed 15 pages (including references and figures), using Elsevier journal format.
Templates for LaTeX formats can be found at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/authorsview.authors/elsart
Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission web site at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=smalltalks10
The accepted papers will be digitally available in the conference website. From accepted papers, selected ones will be published in a special edition of Elsevier COMLAN Journal.
Papers submitted must not have been previously published and must not be under review for publication elsewhere. Papers must strictly adhere to submission guidelines. If you have questions, please send an e-mail to Marcus Denker and Gabriela Arévalo to smalltalks2010-chair@fast.org.ar using [Smalltalks2010-RT] as tag in the e-mail subject.
Alexandre Bergel (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Noury Bouraqadi (Ecole des Mines, Douai, France)
Gilad Bracha (Ministry of Truth, USA)
Johan Brichau (Inceptive.be, Belgium)
Johan Fabry (DCC, Universidad de Chile, Chile)
Alejandro Fernandez (LIFIA - Facultad de Informática - UNLP,
Tudor Girba (Sw-eng. Software Engineering GmbH, Switzerland)
Andy Kellens (SOFT, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium)
Michele Lanza (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
Adrian Lienhard (SCG, University of Bern, Switzerland)
Damien Pollet (INRIA / Université de Lille 1, France)
Lukas Renggli (SCG, University of Bern, Switzerland)
David Röthlisberger (SCG, University of Bern, Switzerland)
Tom Van Cutsem (SOFT, Vrije Universeit Brussels, Belgium)
Marcus Denker (INRIA, Lille, France)
Gabriela Arévalo (Universidad Austral, Buenos Aires, Argentina)