There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description says
that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their laptop. Is
there any planned session to get this setup working?
If I understand well, we need a VW image with Glorp loaded. Any special
steps to do that? A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
Dear François,
There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description
says that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their laptop.
Is there any planned session to get this setup working?
I trust the instructions below will be easy to follow. However, also:
I will be at Camp Smalltalk on Saturday and Sunday. I will help
anyone there who asks to get set up.
I'll arrange that people registering on Monday have a way to tell
me if they are attending the tutorial and are having problems getting
set up. I'll talk to them in the morning coffee break.
We need a VW image
It keeps things simple if attenders have the same set up as the
presenter. Visit http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/ to download
the VisualWorks 7.10.1 personal use version
(You won't be thrown out if you turn up with another dialect and its
latest Glorp. :-) Just be aware it's "caveat emptor" if any hiccough I
can't reproduce in my image hits you. :-) )
A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
The same point about the advantage of using the same thing as the
presenter applies to your choice of database.
- Visiting www.postgresql.org and installing the latest 9.3 is fine.
- Any older Postgres 9.* - and, I would expect 8.* - should work OK.
- Any other database that Glorp supports _should_ work OK. "SQL is
a standard - so it differs everywhere", Alan Knight. :-)
with Glorp loaded. Any special steps to do that?
Load Glorp and GlorpTest. (These are parcels in your VisualWorks
installation. Components of the same name exist in other dialects.)
- Look at the 'data' protocol on the class side of
- Choose a method that matches your database platform.
- Edit it to connect to some (empty or unimportant) test database on
your machine.
- Execute the method; check the value of DefaultLogin is what you
- Run the GlorpTest SUnit tests.
On Postgres and VisualWorks, you should see all tests run green.
(On some other databases and/or dialects, some failures are expected; I
will bring test data so you can verify your installation is behaving
If you get many failures, check simple things like your typing of the
values in DefaultLogin, or the parameters of your database installation.
Niall Ross
Sounds good,
Thanks for the instructions Niall, they are crystal clear.
It will be a good pretext to play with the latest VW ;)
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Niall Ross nfr@bigwig.net wrote:
Dear François,
There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description
says that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their laptop.
Is there any planned session to get this setup working?
I trust the instructions below will be easy to follow. However, also:
I will be at Camp Smalltalk on Saturday and Sunday. I will help
anyone there who asks to get set up.
I'll arrange that people registering on Monday have a way to tell
me if they are attending the tutorial and are having problems getting
set up. I'll talk to them in the morning coffee break.
We need a VW image
It keeps things simple if attenders have the same set up as the
presenter. Visit http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/ to download
the VisualWorks 7.10.1 personal use version
(You won't be thrown out if you turn up with another dialect and its
latest Glorp. :-) Just be aware it's "caveat emptor" if any hiccough I
can't reproduce in my image hits you. :-) )
A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
The same point about the advantage of using the same thing as the
presenter applies to your choice of database.
- Visiting www.postgresql.org and installing the latest 9.3 is fine.
- Any older Postgres 9.* - and, I would expect 8.* - should work OK.
- Any other database that Glorp supports _should_ work OK. "SQL is
a standard - so it differs everywhere", Alan Knight. :-)
with Glorp loaded. Any special steps to do that?
Load Glorp and GlorpTest. (These are parcels in your VisualWorks
installation. Components of the same name exist in other dialects.)
- Look at the 'data' protocol on the class side of
- Choose a method that matches your database platform.
- Edit it to connect to some (empty or unimportant) test database on
your machine.
- Execute the method; check the value of DefaultLogin is what you
- Run the GlorpTest SUnit tests.
On Postgres and VisualWorks, you should see all tests run green.
(On some other databases and/or dialects, some failures are expected; I
will bring test data so you can verify your installation is behaving
If you get many failures, check simple things like your typing of the
values in DefaultLogin, or the parameters of your database installation.
Niall Ross
Dear Niall,
Unfortunately, I failed to attend the conference. But your GLORP tutorial
intriguing me, especially your "Advanced Glorp: round-trip refactoring of a
GLORP application" part. GLORP documentation is rather rare, incomplete and
outdated. Using GLORP for years I'm still quite unsure if any step outside
simplest approaches are made. Generating where-clauses is an example.
Do you have some presentation, video or other materials I can download and
I tried to find it myself, but only found your 2013 presentation "How and
Where in GLORP".
2014-08-14 0:05 GMT+04:00 Niall Ross nfr@bigwig.net:
Dear François,
There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description
says that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their laptop.
Is there any planned session to get this setup working?
I trust the instructions below will be easy to follow. However, also:
I will be at Camp Smalltalk on Saturday and Sunday. I will help
anyone there who asks to get set up.
I'll arrange that people registering on Monday have a way to tell
me if they are attending the tutorial and are having problems getting
set up. I'll talk to them in the morning coffee break.
We need a VW image
It keeps things simple if attenders have the same set up as the
presenter. Visit http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/ to download
the VisualWorks 7.10.1 personal use version
(You won't be thrown out if you turn up with another dialect and its
latest Glorp. :-) Just be aware it's "caveat emptor" if any hiccough I
can't reproduce in my image hits you. :-) )
A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
The same point about the advantage of using the same thing as the
presenter applies to your choice of database.
- Visiting www.postgresql.org and installing the latest 9.3 is fine.
- Any older Postgres 9.* - and, I would expect 8.* - should work OK.
- Any other database that Glorp supports _should_ work OK. "SQL is
a standard - so it differs everywhere", Alan Knight. :-)
with Glorp loaded. Any special steps to do that?
Load Glorp and GlorpTest. (These are parcels in your VisualWorks
installation. Components of the same name exist in other dialects.)
- Look at the 'data' protocol on the class side of
- Choose a method that matches your database platform.
- Edit it to connect to some (empty or unimportant) test database on
your machine.
- Execute the method; check the value of DefaultLogin is what you
- Run the GlorpTest SUnit tests.
On Postgres and VisualWorks, you should see all tests run green.
(On some other databases and/or dialects, some failures are expected; I
will bring test data so you can verify your installation is behaving
If you get many failures, check simple things like your typing of the
values in DefaultLogin, or the parameters of your database installation.
Niall Ross
Esug-list mailing list
All the presentation that were given to the students volunteers at ESUG were uploaded here: http://www.slideshare.net/esug/presentations
Also I have found some presentations about GLORP:
On Sep 9, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Юрий Мироненко assargaddon@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Niall,
Unfortunately, I failed to attend the conference. But your GLORP tutorial intriguing me, especially your "Advanced Glorp: round-trip refactoring of a GLORP application" part. GLORP documentation is rather rare, incomplete and outdated. Using GLORP for years I'm still quite unsure if any step outside simplest approaches are made. Generating where-clauses is an example.
Do you have some presentation, video or other materials I can download and read?
I tried to find it myself, but only found your 2013 presentation "How and Where in GLORP".
2014-08-14 0:05 GMT+04:00 Niall Ross nfr@bigwig.net:
Dear François,
There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description
says that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their laptop.
Is there any planned session to get this setup working?
I trust the instructions below will be easy to follow. However, also:
I will be at Camp Smalltalk on Saturday and Sunday. I will help
anyone there who asks to get set up.
I'll arrange that people registering on Monday have a way to tell
me if they are attending the tutorial and are having problems getting
set up. I'll talk to them in the morning coffee break.
We need a VW image
It keeps things simple if attenders have the same set up as the
presenter. Visit http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/ to download
the VisualWorks 7.10.1 personal use version
(You won't be thrown out if you turn up with another dialect and its
latest Glorp. :-) Just be aware it's "caveat emptor" if any hiccough I
can't reproduce in my image hits you. :-) )
A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
The same point about the advantage of using the same thing as the
presenter applies to your choice of database.
- Visiting www.postgresql.org and installing the latest 9.3 is fine.
- Any older Postgres 9.* - and, I would expect 8.* - should work OK.
- Any other database that Glorp supports _should_ work OK. "SQL is
a standard - so it differs everywhere", Alan Knight. :-)
with Glorp loaded. Any special steps to do that?
Load Glorp and GlorpTest. (These are parcels in your VisualWorks
installation. Components of the same name exist in other dialects.)
- Look at the 'data' protocol on the class side of
- Choose a method that matches your database platform.
- Edit it to connect to some (empty or unimportant) test database on
your machine.
- Execute the method; check the value of DefaultLogin is what you
- Run the GlorpTest SUnit tests.
On Postgres and VisualWorks, you should see all tests run green.
(On some other databases and/or dialects, some failures are expected; I
will bring test data so you can verify your installation is behaving
If you get many failures, check simple things like your typing of the
values in DefaultLogin, or the parameters of your database installation.
Niall Ross
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
The Abstract.txt has links to the slides and the video
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Alejandro Infante <
alejandroinfante91@gmail.com> wrote:
All the presentation that were given to the students volunteers at ESUG
were uploaded here: http://www.slideshare.net/esug/presentations
Also I have found some presentations about GLORP:
On Sep 9, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Юрий Мироненко assargaddon@gmail.com wrote:
Dear Niall,
Unfortunately, I failed to attend the conference. But your GLORP tutorial
intriguing me, especially your "Advanced Glorp: round-trip refactoring of a
GLORP application" part. GLORP documentation is rather rare, incomplete and
outdated. Using GLORP for years I'm still quite unsure if any step outside
simplest approaches are made. Generating where-clauses is an example.
Do you have some presentation, video or other materials I can download and
I tried to find it myself, but only found your 2013 presentation "How and
Where in GLORP".
2014-08-14 0:05 GMT+04:00 Niall Ross nfr@bigwig.net:
Dear François,
There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description
says that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their laptop.
Is there any planned session to get this setup working?
I trust the instructions below will be easy to follow. However, also:
I will be at Camp Smalltalk on Saturday and Sunday. I will help
anyone there who asks to get set up.
I'll arrange that people registering on Monday have a way to tell
me if they are attending the tutorial and are having problems getting
set up. I'll talk to them in the morning coffee break.
We need a VW image
It keeps things simple if attenders have the same set up as the
presenter. Visit http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/ to download
the VisualWorks 7.10.1 personal use version
(You won't be thrown out if you turn up with another dialect and its
latest Glorp. :-) Just be aware it's "caveat emptor" if any hiccough I
can't reproduce in my image hits you. :-) )
A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
The same point about the advantage of using the same thing as the
presenter applies to your choice of database.
- Visiting www.postgresql.org and installing the latest 9.3 is fine.
- Any older Postgres 9.* - and, I would expect 8.* - should work OK.
- Any other database that Glorp supports _should_ work OK. "SQL is
a standard - so it differs everywhere", Alan Knight. :-)
with Glorp loaded. Any special steps to do that?
Load Glorp and GlorpTest. (These are parcels in your VisualWorks
installation. Components of the same name exist in other dialects.)
- Look at the 'data' protocol on the class side of
- Choose a method that matches your database platform.
- Edit it to connect to some (empty or unimportant) test database on
your machine.
- Execute the method; check the value of DefaultLogin is what you
- Run the GlorpTest SUnit tests.
On Postgres and VisualWorks, you should see all tests run green.
(On some other databases and/or dialects, some failures are expected; I
will bring test data so you can verify your installation is behaving
If you get many failures, check simple things like your typing of the
values in DefaultLogin, or the parameters of your database installation.
Niall Ross
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
Marcus Denker -- denker@acm.org
Thank you, Alejandro.
Thank you, Marcus.
By the way, how to find the way from conference page (i.e.
http://esug.org/wiki/pier/Conferences/2014) to those pages? Well,
slideshares may probably be found by google (those they won't when I tried
this), but what about esug site?
Probably I will be interested in other presentation or/and presentations of
other years conferences.
2014-09-09 18:04 GMT+04:00 Marcus Denker marcus.denker@inria.fr:
The Abstract.txt has links to the slides and the video
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Alejandro Infante <
alejandroinfante91@gmail.com> wrote:
All the presentation that were given to the students volunteers at ESUG
were uploaded here: http://www.slideshare.net/esug/presentations
Also I have found some presentations about GLORP:
On Sep 9, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Юрий Мироненко assargaddon@gmail.com
Dear Niall,
Unfortunately, I failed to attend the conference. But your GLORP tutorial
intriguing me, especially your "Advanced Glorp: round-trip refactoring of a
GLORP application" part. GLORP documentation is rather rare, incomplete and
outdated. Using GLORP for years I'm still quite unsure if any step outside
simplest approaches are made. Generating where-clauses is an example.
Do you have some presentation, video or other materials I can download
and read?
I tried to find it myself, but only found your 2013 presentation "How and
Where in GLORP".
2014-08-14 0:05 GMT+04:00 Niall Ross nfr@bigwig.net:
Dear François,
There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description
says that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their
Is there any planned session to get this setup working?
I trust the instructions below will be easy to follow. However, also:
I will be at Camp Smalltalk on Saturday and Sunday. I will help
anyone there who asks to get set up.
I'll arrange that people registering on Monday have a way to tell
me if they are attending the tutorial and are having problems getting
set up. I'll talk to them in the morning coffee break.
We need a VW image
It keeps things simple if attenders have the same set up as the
presenter. Visit http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/ to download
the VisualWorks 7.10.1 personal use version
(You won't be thrown out if you turn up with another dialect and its
latest Glorp. :-) Just be aware it's "caveat emptor" if any hiccough I
can't reproduce in my image hits you. :-) )
A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
The same point about the advantage of using the same thing as the
presenter applies to your choice of database.
- Visiting www.postgresql.org and installing the latest 9.3 is fine.
- Any older Postgres 9.* - and, I would expect 8.* - should work OK.
- Any other database that Glorp supports _should_ work OK. "SQL is
a standard - so it differs everywhere", Alan Knight. :-)
with Glorp loaded. Any special steps to do that?
Load Glorp and GlorpTest. (These are parcels in your VisualWorks
installation. Components of the same name exist in other dialects.)
- Look at the 'data' protocol on the class side of
- Choose a method that matches your database platform.
- Edit it to connect to some (empty or unimportant) test database on
your machine.
- Execute the method; check the value of DefaultLogin is what you
- Run the GlorpTest SUnit tests.
On Postgres and VisualWorks, you should see all tests run green.
(On some other databases and/or dialects, some failures are expected; I
will bring test data so you can verify your installation is behaving
If you get many failures, check simple things like your typing of the
values in DefaultLogin, or the parameters of your database installation.
Niall Ross
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
Marcus Denker -- denker@acm.org
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 4:18 PM, Юрий Мироненко assargaddon@gmail.com
Thank you, Alejandro.
Thank you, Marcus.
By the way, how to find the way from conference page (i.e.
http://esug.org/wiki/pier/Conferences/2014) to those pages? Well,
slideshares may probably be found by google (those they won't when I tried
this), but what about esug site?
For ESUG 2014 it is on my TODO to add better links, we should double check
older conferences, too.
Probably I will be interested in other presentation or/and presentations
of other years conferences.
2014-09-09 18:04 GMT+04:00 Marcus Denker marcus.denker@inria.fr:
The Abstract.txt has links to the slides and the video
On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Alejandro Infante <
alejandroinfante91@gmail.com> wrote:
All the presentation that were given to the students volunteers at ESUG
were uploaded here: http://www.slideshare.net/esug/presentations
Also I have found some presentations about GLORP:
On Sep 9, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Юрий Мироненко assargaddon@gmail.com
Dear Niall,
Unfortunately, I failed to attend the conference. But your GLORP
tutorial intriguing me, especially your "Advanced Glorp: round-trip
refactoring of a GLORP application" part. GLORP documentation is rather
rare, incomplete and outdated. Using GLORP for years I'm still quite unsure
if any step outside simplest approaches are made. Generating where-clauses
is an example.
Do you have some presentation, video or other materials I can download
and read?
I tried to find it myself, but only found your 2013 presentation "How
and Where in GLORP".
2014-08-14 0:05 GMT+04:00 Niall Ross nfr@bigwig.net:
Dear François,
There is a Glorp tutorial scheduled at 2pm on Monday. The description
says that we attendants should have a Glorp Ready setup on their
Is there any planned session to get this setup working?
I trust the instructions below will be easy to follow. However, also:
I will be at Camp Smalltalk on Saturday and Sunday. I will help
anyone there who asks to get set up.
I'll arrange that people registering on Monday have a way to tell
me if they are attending the tutorial and are having problems getting
set up. I'll talk to them in the morning coffee break.
We need a VW image
It keeps things simple if attenders have the same set up as the
presenter. Visit http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/ to download
the VisualWorks 7.10.1 personal use version
(You won't be thrown out if you turn up with another dialect and its
latest Glorp. :-) Just be aware it's "caveat emptor" if any hiccough I
can't reproduce in my image hits you. :-) )
A stock PostgreSQL 9.3 is enough as well?
The same point about the advantage of using the same thing as the
presenter applies to your choice of database.
- Visiting www.postgresql.org and installing the latest 9.3 is fine.
- Any older Postgres 9.* - and, I would expect 8.* - should work OK.
- Any other database that Glorp supports _should_ work OK. "SQL is
a standard - so it differs everywhere", Alan Knight. :-)
with Glorp loaded. Any special steps to do that?
Load Glorp and GlorpTest. (These are parcels in your VisualWorks
installation. Components of the same name exist in other dialects.)
- Look at the 'data' protocol on the class side of
- Choose a method that matches your database platform.
- Edit it to connect to some (empty or unimportant) test database on
your machine.
- Execute the method; check the value of DefaultLogin is what you
- Run the GlorpTest SUnit tests.
On Postgres and VisualWorks, you should see all tests run green.
(On some other databases and/or dialects, some failures are expected; I
will bring test data so you can verify your installation is behaving
If you get many failures, check simple things like your typing of the
values in DefaultLogin, or the parameters of your database installation.
Niall Ross
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
Esug-list mailing list
Marcus Denker -- denker@acm.org
Esug-list mailing list
Marcus Denker -- denker@acm.org