EVENT: Comic Page Reviews With a Pro

Abrian Curington
Tue, Sep 17, 2024 3:43 PM

Calling all comic artists!

If you want feedback on your sequential art pages from a working
professional, I (a working comics professional) will be at The Grand
Cinema, Monday, October 14th, 6:30pm-7:30pm, to look at your work!

The event will be located in the Lounge. Just bring up to 10 pages of your
sequential artwork (preferably printed copies, to avoid tech issues), and
I’ll do my best to give you some pointers based on over 10 years of comics

This is kind of a trail event, so if there’s enough interest in these
review sessions, I will hold them monthly.

I have attached a flyer PDF for the event, and please feel free to email me
if you have any questions.

Abrian Curington

Illustrator & Cartographer

Calling all comic artists! If you want feedback on your sequential art pages from a working professional, I (a working comics professional) will be at The Grand Cinema, *Monday, October 14th, 6:30pm-7:30pm*, to look at your work! The event will be located in the Lounge. Just bring up to 10 pages of your sequential artwork (preferably printed copies, to avoid tech issues), and I’ll do my best to give you some pointers based on over 10 years of comics experience. This is kind of a trail event, so if there’s enough interest in these review sessions, I will hold them monthly. I have attached a flyer PDF for the event, and please feel free to email me if you have any questions. *Abrian Curington* Illustrator & Cartographer Abrian@BlueCatCo.com BlueCatCo.com 253-548-7968 @AbrianCArt