Dear Smalltalkers,
We are very happy to announce the release of Roassal, an agile visualization engine.
Roassal graphically renders objects using short and expressive Smalltalk expressions. A large set of interactions are offered for a better user experience. Painting, brushing, interconnecting, zooming, drag and dropping will just make you more intimate with any arbitrary object model.
Screenshot available on
Roassal is distributed under the MIT license and run on VisualWorks (7.4, 7.7.1, 7.9), Pharo (1.3, 1.4, 2.0) and ObjectStudio. Roassal is freely distributed, you are therefore free to use it, even in a commercial setting. We will however be glad to hear about your experience. Just send us an email if you are adopting Roassal.
Kai and Hapao, the two other products of Object Profile, are using Roassal for their rendering.
The Object Profile crew
(Twitter: @ObjectProfile , web:
On 17 mai 2012, at 14:35, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Dear Smalltalkers,
We are very happy to announce the release of Roassal, an agile visualization engine.
Roassal graphically renders objects using short and expressive Smalltalk expressions. A large set of interactions are offered for a better user experience. Painting, brushing, interconnecting, zooming, drag and dropping will just make you more intimate with any arbitrary object model.
Screenshot available on
Hi Alex
Is there a page with more detailed examples and features? From what I can see on the screenshots, it looks like an extension of Mondrian, so what's the diff?
Roassal is distributed under the MIT license and run on VisualWorks (7.4, 7.7.1, 7.9), Pharo (1.3, 1.4, 2.0) and ObjectStudio. Roassal is freely distributed, you are therefore free to use it, even in a commercial setting. We will however be glad to hear about your experience. Just send us an email if you are adopting Roassal.
Kai and Hapao, the two other products of Object Profile, are using Roassal for their rendering.
The Object Profile crew
(Twitter: @ObjectProfile , web:
Esug-list mailing list
Simon Denier
Is there a page with more detailed examples and features? From what I can see on the screenshots, it looks like an extension of Mondrian, so what's the diff?
Roassal offers two way to build a visualization: a domain specific language, which is indeed the same than Mondrian, and a low level API (useful when the DSL is not enough). The examples you have seen on the screenshots indeed illustrates the DSL. Roassal features a wide range of interactions, including scrolling à la iPhone, zooming, and dynamic update. Have a look at the class ROExample.
Another important point, Roassal is portable. It runs on Pharo and VW. We plan to have it run on VASmalltalk and Amber.
Alexandre Bergel