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Good news!

Georgs Kolesnikovs
Wed, Mar 17, 2021 2:40 PM

All hands—

All is well with the T&T List. The upgrade that recently took place to the Mailman software that runs the list has had no impact on how you post and receive email.

Bob McLeran, our long-time List Administrator, will shortly issue an update on everything you need to know to continue enjoying T&T.

One thing I’ll ask you to do is this: Send the following link to the T&T List information page to your boating friends so we grow our numbers and widen our knowledge base.

Thank you!


Georgs Kolesnikovs
Your host at Trawlers & Trawlering since 1997

All hands— All is well with the T&T List. The upgrade that recently took place to the Mailman software that runs the list has had no impact on how you post and receive email. Bob McLeran, our long-time List Administrator, will shortly issue an update on everything you need to know to continue enjoying T&T. One thing I’ll ask you to do is this: Send the following link to the T&T List information page to your boating friends so we grow our numbers and widen our knowledge base. <> Thank you! —Georgs Georgs Kolesnikovs Your host at Trawlers & Trawlering since 1997