Invitation to Participate in Investigating Institutional Responses to Federal Research Policies

Shaneé Yvette Willis
Mon, Mar 4, 2024 3:57 PM

Dear HBCU LIbrary Alliance Colleagues,

Last year, the HBCU Library Alliance collaborated with Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) to propose a project to the National Science Foundation. This project, “Investigating ‘Reasonable Costs’ to Achieve Public Access to Federally Funded Research and Scientific Data” was successfully awarded an EAGER-category award in October 2023, and we are now beginning the work.

The project seeks to understand how institutions are responding to changes in federal funding policies after the 2022 Nelson Memo. We have attached a brief that describes the project in more detail. IOI is intentionally casting a wide net in order to study and document how research labs, community colleges, research universities, teaching colleges, and other institutions are responding to and preparing for their compliance with policies requiring immediate, free, and equitable access to all federally funded research outputs.

The roles HBCU Library Alliance will play are twofold. At the consortial staff/leadership level, we are helping to guide the project team as it conducts two related sets of project work: 1) data-focused investigations of the cost and price of articles and data, and 2) ethnographic studies of institutional workflows and planning around researcher compliance with the forthcoming policies.

That second part is where you come in. We are inviting you to participate as one of 30 institutions of different types and tiers that IOI will engage with over the next 18 months in a working group to document “Institutional Responses to Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access Requirements”. The institutional commitment IOI is requesting is light in terms of time/energy (one survey, four meetings) and it will bring tangible benefits to your own institution.

What’s involved:

  1. Identify and gain commitments from representatives from at least three groups who are involved in research workflows on your campus (e.g., OSR, library, repositories, IT, administrators, faculty senate, tech transfer, etc.).

  2. Circulate a brief survey (provided by IOI) to each of these campus groups this spring.

  3. Representatives from each of those groups will participate in two IOI-facilitated, 90-minute virtual meetings to map their workflows between April and Nov 2024.

  4. In January 2025, your representatives will receive and refine a set of workflow diagrams authored by IOI to represent your campus activities to date.

  5. In Feb-May 2025, your representatives will attend 1-2 working group sessions with peer institutions to cross-compare and learn from each others’ workflows and plans/practices.

What you’ll gain:

  • Facilitation to help you raise campus readiness via structured working sessions with campus groups

  • Documentation of your local workflows and how they address researcher and institutional compliance with new policies

  • Engagement with and learning from peer institutions

  • Access to a range of emerging implementation plans

  • A leadership voice in our national understanding of and “norms” for compliance preparation

  • A chance to spotlight any disparities or challenges that might arise for specific stakeholders (including costs associated with specific solutions)

To indicate your interest, please send an email with the name and contact information for an individual who can serve as your institutional representative on the project to and cc and by March 8.

The project’s lead PI, Katherine Skinner, can be reached at the address above and is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks so much for your consideration!

Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS

Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance

Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103

Web: hbculibraries.org


Follow us on our social media:
[cid:dc597e20-1843-4480-a075-e7185613faf8]  [cid:dc40da9f-61b7-4333-b86f-d539b3e272a7]  [cid:9a312b1d-6560-4ad1-b543-83d85cbd10ce]  [cid:eac8cf1b-4ed1-487c-ab07-ab6b3f33ed92]


Dear HBCU LIbrary Alliance Colleagues, Last year, the HBCU Library Alliance collaborated with Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) to propose a project to the National Science Foundation. This project, “Investigating ‘Reasonable Costs’ to Achieve Public Access to Federally Funded Research and Scientific Data” was successfully awarded an EAGER-category award in October 2023, and we are now beginning the work. The project seeks to understand how institutions are responding to changes in federal funding policies after the 2022 Nelson Memo. We have attached a brief that describes the project in more detail. IOI is intentionally casting a wide net in order to study and document how research labs, community colleges, research universities, teaching colleges, and other institutions are responding to and preparing for their compliance with policies requiring immediate, free, and equitable access to all federally funded research outputs. The roles HBCU Library Alliance will play are twofold. At the consortial staff/leadership level, we are helping to guide the project team as it conducts two related sets of project work: 1) data-focused investigations of the cost and price of articles and data, and 2) ethnographic studies of institutional workflows and planning around researcher compliance with the forthcoming policies. That second part is where you come in. We are inviting you to participate as one of 30 institutions of different types and tiers that IOI will engage with over the next 18 months in a working group to document “Institutional Responses to Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access Requirements”. The institutional commitment IOI is requesting is light in terms of time/energy (one survey, four meetings) and it will bring tangible benefits to your own institution. What’s involved: 1. Identify and gain commitments from representatives from at least three groups who are involved in research workflows on your campus (e.g., OSR, library, repositories, IT, administrators, faculty senate, tech transfer, etc.). 2. Circulate a brief survey (provided by IOI) to each of these campus groups this spring. 3. Representatives from each of those groups will participate in two IOI-facilitated, 90-minute virtual meetings to map their workflows between April and Nov 2024. 4. In January 2025, your representatives will receive and refine a set of workflow diagrams authored by IOI to represent your campus activities to date. 5. In Feb-May 2025, your representatives will attend 1-2 working group sessions with peer institutions to cross-compare and learn from each others’ workflows and plans/practices. What you’ll gain: * Facilitation to help you raise campus readiness via structured working sessions with campus groups * Documentation of your local workflows and how they address researcher and institutional compliance with new policies * Engagement with and learning from peer institutions * Access to a range of emerging implementation plans * A leadership voice in our national understanding of and “norms” for compliance preparation * A chance to spotlight any disparities or challenges that might arise for specific stakeholders (including costs associated with specific solutions) To indicate your interest, please send an email with the name and contact information for an individual who can serve as your institutional representative on the project to and cc<> and<> by March 8. The project’s lead PI, Katherine Skinner, can be reached at the address above and is happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks so much for your consideration! Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance<> Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103 Web:<> Email:<> Follow us on our social media: [cid:dc597e20-1843-4480-a075-e7185613faf8]<> [cid:dc40da9f-61b7-4333-b86f-d539b3e272a7] <> [cid:9a312b1d-6560-4ad1-b543-83d85cbd10ce] <> [cid:eac8cf1b-4ed1-487c-ab07-ab6b3f33ed92] <> [cid:1066d4ee-b852-49b9-9e10-81be41f78847]<>
Shaneé Yvette Willis
Mon, Mar 4, 2024 4:23 PM

Please see the attached brief.

Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS

Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance

Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103

Web: hbculibraries.org


Follow us on our social media:
[cid:c0dd38f8-0508-44a7-8e38-7a1121ec0bfb]  [cid:e7160a5d-875c-42b2-ba13-4ecdd62a59b4]  [cid:03eb2c73-526b-4b10-a5df-d5061cbabb93]  [cid:bf61d01a-4ab3-44b7-84c6-a395cb9815a6]


From: Shaneé Yvette Willis
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 10:57 AM
Cc: Katherine Skinner
Subject: Invitation to Participate in Investigating Institutional Responses to Federal Research Policies

Dear HBCU LIbrary Alliance Colleagues,

Last year, the HBCU Library Alliance collaborated with Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) to propose a project to the National Science Foundation. This project, “Investigating ‘Reasonable Costs’ to Achieve Public Access to Federally Funded Research and Scientific Data” was successfully awarded an EAGER-category award in October 2023, and we are now beginning the work.

The project seeks to understand how institutions are responding to changes in federal funding policies after the 2022 Nelson Memo. We have attached a brief that describes the project in more detail. IOI is intentionally casting a wide net in order to study and document how research labs, community colleges, research universities, teaching colleges, and other institutions are responding to and preparing for their compliance with policies requiring immediate, free, and equitable access to all federally funded research outputs.

The roles HBCU Library Alliance will play are twofold. At the consortial staff/leadership level, we are helping to guide the project team as it conducts two related sets of project work: 1) data-focused investigations of the cost and price of articles and data, and 2) ethnographic studies of institutional workflows and planning around researcher compliance with the forthcoming policies.

That second part is where you come in. We are inviting you to participate as one of 30 institutions of different types and tiers that IOI will engage with over the next 18 months in a working group to document “Institutional Responses to Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access Requirements”. The institutional commitment IOI is requesting is light in terms of time/energy (one survey, four meetings) and it will bring tangible benefits to your own institution.

What’s involved:

  1. Identify and gain commitments from representatives from at least three groups who are involved in research workflows on your campus (e.g., OSR, library, repositories, IT, administrators, faculty senate, tech transfer, etc.).

  2. Circulate a brief survey (provided by IOI) to each of these campus groups this spring.

  3. Representatives from each of those groups will participate in two IOI-facilitated, 90-minute virtual meetings to map their workflows between April and Nov 2024.

  4. In January 2025, your representatives will receive and refine a set of workflow diagrams authored by IOI to represent your campus activities to date.

  5. In Feb-May 2025, your representatives will attend 1-2 working group sessions with peer institutions to cross-compare and learn from each others’ workflows and plans/practices.

What you’ll gain:

  • Facilitation to help you raise campus readiness via structured working sessions with campus groups

  • Documentation of your local workflows and how they address researcher and institutional compliance with new policies

  • Engagement with and learning from peer institutions

  • Access to a range of emerging implementation plans

  • A leadership voice in our national understanding of and “norms” for compliance preparation

  • A chance to spotlight any disparities or challenges that might arise for specific stakeholders (including costs associated with specific solutions)

To indicate your interest, please send an email with the name and contact information for an individual who can serve as your institutional representative on the project to and cc and by March 8.

The project’s lead PI, Katherine Skinner, can be reached at the address above and is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks so much for your consideration!

Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS

Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance

Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103

Web: hbculibraries.org


Follow us on our social media:
[cid:dc597e20-1843-4480-a075-e7185613faf8]  [cid:dc40da9f-61b7-4333-b86f-d539b3e272a7]  [cid:9a312b1d-6560-4ad1-b543-83d85cbd10ce]  [cid:eac8cf1b-4ed1-487c-ab07-ab6b3f33ed92]


Please see the attached brief. Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance<> Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103 Web:<> Email:<> Follow us on our social media: [cid:c0dd38f8-0508-44a7-8e38-7a1121ec0bfb]<> [cid:e7160a5d-875c-42b2-ba13-4ecdd62a59b4] <> [cid:03eb2c73-526b-4b10-a5df-d5061cbabb93] <> [cid:bf61d01a-4ab3-44b7-84c6-a395cb9815a6] <> [cid:a9e4bb60-8e63-4f17-8e18-7cdf4bd5d617]<> ________________________________ From: Shaneé Yvette Willis <> Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 10:57 AM To: <>; <> Cc: Katherine Skinner <> Subject: Invitation to Participate in Investigating Institutional Responses to Federal Research Policies Dear HBCU LIbrary Alliance Colleagues, Last year, the HBCU Library Alliance collaborated with Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) to propose a project to the National Science Foundation. This project, “Investigating ‘Reasonable Costs’ to Achieve Public Access to Federally Funded Research and Scientific Data” was successfully awarded an EAGER-category award in October 2023, and we are now beginning the work. The project seeks to understand how institutions are responding to changes in federal funding policies after the 2022 Nelson Memo. We have attached a brief that describes the project in more detail. IOI is intentionally casting a wide net in order to study and document how research labs, community colleges, research universities, teaching colleges, and other institutions are responding to and preparing for their compliance with policies requiring immediate, free, and equitable access to all federally funded research outputs. The roles HBCU Library Alliance will play are twofold. At the consortial staff/leadership level, we are helping to guide the project team as it conducts two related sets of project work: 1) data-focused investigations of the cost and price of articles and data, and 2) ethnographic studies of institutional workflows and planning around researcher compliance with the forthcoming policies. That second part is where you come in. We are inviting you to participate as one of 30 institutions of different types and tiers that IOI will engage with over the next 18 months in a working group to document “Institutional Responses to Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access Requirements”. The institutional commitment IOI is requesting is light in terms of time/energy (one survey, four meetings) and it will bring tangible benefits to your own institution. What’s involved: 1. Identify and gain commitments from representatives from at least three groups who are involved in research workflows on your campus (e.g., OSR, library, repositories, IT, administrators, faculty senate, tech transfer, etc.). 2. Circulate a brief survey (provided by IOI) to each of these campus groups this spring. 3. Representatives from each of those groups will participate in two IOI-facilitated, 90-minute virtual meetings to map their workflows between April and Nov 2024. 4. In January 2025, your representatives will receive and refine a set of workflow diagrams authored by IOI to represent your campus activities to date. 5. In Feb-May 2025, your representatives will attend 1-2 working group sessions with peer institutions to cross-compare and learn from each others’ workflows and plans/practices. What you’ll gain: * Facilitation to help you raise campus readiness via structured working sessions with campus groups * Documentation of your local workflows and how they address researcher and institutional compliance with new policies * Engagement with and learning from peer institutions * Access to a range of emerging implementation plans * A leadership voice in our national understanding of and “norms” for compliance preparation * A chance to spotlight any disparities or challenges that might arise for specific stakeholders (including costs associated with specific solutions) To indicate your interest, please send an email with the name and contact information for an individual who can serve as your institutional representative on the project to and cc<> and<> by March 8. The project’s lead PI, Katherine Skinner, can be reached at the address above and is happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks so much for your consideration! Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance<> Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103 Web:<> Email:<> Follow us on our social media: [cid:dc597e20-1843-4480-a075-e7185613faf8]<> [cid:dc40da9f-61b7-4333-b86f-d539b3e272a7] <> [cid:9a312b1d-6560-4ad1-b543-83d85cbd10ce] <> [cid:eac8cf1b-4ed1-487c-ab07-ab6b3f33ed92] <> [cid:1066d4ee-b852-49b9-9e10-81be41f78847]<>
Shaneé Yvette Willis
Tue, Mar 19, 2024 4:45 PM

Dear HBCU Library Alliance Colleagues,

I hope you are doing well! Due to popular demand, we've extended the deadline for participation in the Open Infrastructure (IOI) project to Friday, March 22nd. Your involvement is crucial in documenting institutional responses to federal funding policy changes regarding access to federally funded research. Please email the contact information of your institutional representative to, cc'ing by Friday.

Best regards,

Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS

Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance

Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103

Web: hbculibraries.org


Follow this link HBCU Library Alliance 10th Membership Meeting for updates on the Membership Meeting!

From: Shaneé Yvette Willis
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 10:57 AM
Cc: Katherine Skinner
Subject: Invitation to Participate in Investigating Institutional Responses to Federal Research Policies

Dear HBCU LIbrary Alliance Colleagues,

Last year, the HBCU Library Alliance collaborated with Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) to propose a project to the National Science Foundation. This project, “Investigating ‘Reasonable Costs’ to Achieve Public Access to Federally Funded Research and Scientific Data” was successfully awarded an EAGER-category award in October 2023, and we are now beginning the work.

The project seeks to understand how institutions are responding to changes in federal funding policies after the 2022 Nelson Memo. We have attached a brief that describes the project in more detail. IOI is intentionally casting a wide net in order to study and document how research labs, community colleges, research universities, teaching colleges, and other institutions are responding to and preparing for their compliance with policies requiring immediate, free, and equitable access to all federally funded research outputs.

The roles HBCU Library Alliance will play are twofold. At the consortial staff/leadership level, we are helping to guide the project team as it conducts two related sets of project work: 1) data-focused investigations of the cost and price of articles and data, and 2) ethnographic studies of institutional workflows and planning around researcher compliance with the forthcoming policies.

That second part is where you come in. We are inviting you to participate as one of 30 institutions of different types and tiers that IOI will engage with over the next 18 months in a working group to document “Institutional Responses to Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access Requirements”. The institutional commitment IOI is requesting is light in terms of time/energy (one survey, four meetings) and it will bring tangible benefits to your own institution.

What’s involved:

  1. Identify and gain commitments from representatives from at least three groups who are involved in research workflows on your campus (e.g., OSR, library, repositories, IT, administrators, faculty senate, tech transfer, etc.).

  2. Circulate a brief survey (provided by IOI) to each of these campus groups this spring.

  3. Representatives from each of those groups will participate in two IOI-facilitated, 90-minute virtual meetings to map their workflows between April and Nov 2024.

  4. In January 2025, your representatives will receive and refine a set of workflow diagrams authored by IOI to represent your campus activities to date.

  5. In Feb-May 2025, your representatives will attend 1-2 working group sessions with peer institutions to cross-compare and learn from each others’ workflows and plans/practices.

What you’ll gain:

  • Facilitation to help you raise campus readiness via structured working sessions with campus groups

  • Documentation of your local workflows and how they address researcher and institutional compliance with new policies

  • Engagement with and learning from peer institutions

  • Access to a range of emerging implementation plans

  • A leadership voice in our national understanding of and “norms” for compliance preparation

  • A chance to spotlight any disparities or challenges that might arise for specific stakeholders (including costs associated with specific solutions)

To indicate your interest, please send an email with the name and contact information for an individual who can serve as your institutional representative on the project to and cc and by March 8.

The project’s lead PI, Katherine Skinner, can be reached at the address above and is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks so much for your consideration!

Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS

Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance

Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103

Web: hbculibraries.org


Follow us on our social media:
[cid:dc597e20-1843-4480-a075-e7185613faf8]  [cid:dc40da9f-61b7-4333-b86f-d539b3e272a7]  [cid:9a312b1d-6560-4ad1-b543-83d85cbd10ce]  [cid:eac8cf1b-4ed1-487c-ab07-ab6b3f33ed92]


Dear HBCU Library Alliance Colleagues, I hope you are doing well! Due to popular demand, we've extended the deadline for participation in the Open Infrastructure (IOI) project to Friday, March 22nd. Your involvement is crucial in documenting institutional responses to federal funding policy changes regarding access to federally funded research. Please email the contact information of your institutional representative to, cc'ing by Friday. Best regards, Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance<> Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103 Web:<> Email:<> Follow this link HBCU Library Alliance 10th Membership Meeting<> for updates on the Membership Meeting! ________________________________ From: Shaneé Yvette Willis Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 10:57 AM To: <>; <> Cc: Katherine Skinner <> Subject: Invitation to Participate in Investigating Institutional Responses to Federal Research Policies Dear HBCU LIbrary Alliance Colleagues, Last year, the HBCU Library Alliance collaborated with Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) to propose a project to the National Science Foundation. This project, “Investigating ‘Reasonable Costs’ to Achieve Public Access to Federally Funded Research and Scientific Data” was successfully awarded an EAGER-category award in October 2023, and we are now beginning the work. The project seeks to understand how institutions are responding to changes in federal funding policies after the 2022 Nelson Memo. We have attached a brief that describes the project in more detail. IOI is intentionally casting a wide net in order to study and document how research labs, community colleges, research universities, teaching colleges, and other institutions are responding to and preparing for their compliance with policies requiring immediate, free, and equitable access to all federally funded research outputs. The roles HBCU Library Alliance will play are twofold. At the consortial staff/leadership level, we are helping to guide the project team as it conducts two related sets of project work: 1) data-focused investigations of the cost and price of articles and data, and 2) ethnographic studies of institutional workflows and planning around researcher compliance with the forthcoming policies. That second part is where you come in. We are inviting you to participate as one of 30 institutions of different types and tiers that IOI will engage with over the next 18 months in a working group to document “Institutional Responses to Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access Requirements”. The institutional commitment IOI is requesting is light in terms of time/energy (one survey, four meetings) and it will bring tangible benefits to your own institution. What’s involved: 1. Identify and gain commitments from representatives from at least three groups who are involved in research workflows on your campus (e.g., OSR, library, repositories, IT, administrators, faculty senate, tech transfer, etc.). 2. Circulate a brief survey (provided by IOI) to each of these campus groups this spring. 3. Representatives from each of those groups will participate in two IOI-facilitated, 90-minute virtual meetings to map their workflows between April and Nov 2024. 4. In January 2025, your representatives will receive and refine a set of workflow diagrams authored by IOI to represent your campus activities to date. 5. In Feb-May 2025, your representatives will attend 1-2 working group sessions with peer institutions to cross-compare and learn from each others’ workflows and plans/practices. What you’ll gain: * Facilitation to help you raise campus readiness via structured working sessions with campus groups * Documentation of your local workflows and how they address researcher and institutional compliance with new policies * Engagement with and learning from peer institutions * Access to a range of emerging implementation plans * A leadership voice in our national understanding of and “norms” for compliance preparation * A chance to spotlight any disparities or challenges that might arise for specific stakeholders (including costs associated with specific solutions) To indicate your interest, please send an email with the name and contact information for an individual who can serve as your institutional representative on the project to and cc<> and<> by March 8. The project’s lead PI, Katherine Skinner, can be reached at the address above and is happy to answer any questions you may have. Thanks so much for your consideration! Shaneé Yvette Willis, M.Div/MLS Program Manager at HBCU Library Alliance<> Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 103 Web:<> Email:<> Follow us on our social media: [cid:dc597e20-1843-4480-a075-e7185613faf8]<> [cid:dc40da9f-61b7-4333-b86f-d539b3e272a7] <> [cid:9a312b1d-6560-4ad1-b543-83d85cbd10ce] <> [cid:eac8cf1b-4ed1-487c-ab07-ab6b3f33ed92] <> [cid:1066d4ee-b852-49b9-9e10-81be41f78847]<>