The Milgard Center for Financial Wellnesshttps://www.tacoma.uw.edu/business/cfw/scholarship-application is partnering with Optimisthttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https://optimist.co/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iMqBqIDNN3qX6tDZOrD_7YqRkVxfin5sz_3wRhcRsWm0AV325emR7-RfaEDKUbqw64Ahl651j72GezOhS9eqRZ4J3w$, an award-winning social impact film studio with past documentaries on Netflix, HBO, PBS, National Geographic, and The Atlantic for an exciting film screening and director Q & A event this fall. On Nov.13th at 4:30 in Carwein Auditorium (KEY 102) we will be showing the financial education documentary, This is Not Financial Advice
The film premiered at Tribeca in June, where they had three sold-out shows and received a handful of positive reviews. My personal favorites:
"Serves up an imperative warning about the urgent need for financial education."
- Next Gen Personal Finance
"A thought-provoking masterpiece."
- Taylor Lorenz, The Washington Post
"Everyone needs to see this film to better understand their relationship to money."
- Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money
The film is on a national tour around the country at colleges and universities. UW Tacoma will host the film following a Q & A with the director, panel members and a representative from FINRA. The event is FREE and open to the public. Free food as well.
REGISTER HERE: https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/home/events-calendar?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D177463299
**Watch the Trailer https://www.tinfafilm.com/https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.tinfafilm.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iMqBqIDNN3qX6tDZOrD_7YqRkVxfin5sz_3wRhcRsWm0AV325emR7-RfaEDKUbqw64Ahl651j72GezOhS9ckpr4Ayw$
Noah Carr (He | Him)
Communications and Outreach Specialist
Milgard School of Business | UW Tacoma
Vice Chair
UWT Sustainability Committee
1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma WA 98402
Phone: 253.692.5887 | Email: Noahcarr@uw.edumailto:Noahcarr@uw.edu
The Milgard Center for Financial Wellness<https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/business/cfw/scholarship-application> is partnering with Optimist<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://optimist.co/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iMqBqIDNN3qX6tDZOrD_7YqRkVxfin5sz_3wRhcRsWm0AV325emR7-RfaEDKUbqw64Ahl651j72GezOhS9eqRZ4J3w$>, an award-winning social impact film studio with past documentaries on Netflix, HBO, PBS, National Geographic, and The Atlantic for an exciting film screening and director Q & A event this fall. On Nov.13th at 4:30 in Carwein Auditorium (KEY 102) we will be showing the financial education documentary, This is Not Financial Advice
The film premiered at Tribeca in June, where they had three sold-out shows and received a handful of positive reviews. My personal favorites:
"Serves up an imperative warning about the urgent need for financial education."
- Next Gen Personal Finance
"A thought-provoking masterpiece."
- Taylor Lorenz, The Washington Post
"Everyone needs to see this film to better understand their relationship to money."
- Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money
The film is on a national tour around the country at colleges and universities. UW Tacoma will host the film following a Q & A with the director, panel members and a representative from FINRA. The event is FREE and open to the public. Free food as well.
REGISTER HERE: https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/home/events-calendar?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D177463299
**Watch the Trailer https://www.tinfafilm.com/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.tinfafilm.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iMqBqIDNN3qX6tDZOrD_7YqRkVxfin5sz_3wRhcRsWm0AV325emR7-RfaEDKUbqw64Ahl651j72GezOhS9ckpr4Ayw$>
Noah Carr (He | Him)
Communications and Outreach Specialist
Milgard School of Business | UW Tacoma
Vice Chair
UWT Sustainability Committee
1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma WA 98402
Phone: 253.692.5887 | Email: Noahcarr@uw.edu<mailto:Noahcarr@uw.edu>