‹Programming› 2019 Combined Call for Workshop Submissions

Fabio Niephaus
Thu, Dec 13, 2018 2:43 PM

‹Programming› 2019 Combined Call for Workshop Submissions


To build a community and to foster an environment where participants can
exchange ideas and experiences related to practical software development,
‹Programming› will host a number of workshops, during the days before the
main conference. The workshops will provide a collaborative forum to
exchange recent and/or preliminary results, to conduct intensive
discussions on a particular topic, or to coordinate efforts between
representatives of a technical community. They are intended as a forum for
lively discussion of innovative ideas, recent progress, or practical
experience on programming and applied software development in general for
specific aspects, specific problems, or domain-specific needs. We also
encourage practical, hands-on workshops in which participants actually
experience one or several aspects of practical software development.

The following workshops are co-located with ‹Programming› 2019.

MoreVMs’19: Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs

MoreVMs’19 aims to bring together industrial and academic programmers to
discuss the design, implementation, and usage of modern languages and
runtimes. Possible topics include reuse of language runtimes, modular
implementation, language design, and compilation strategies.

Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/MoreVMs-2019
Extended Abstract Deadline: 11 Jan 2019

PX/19 5th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop

The Programming Experience (PX) Workshop is about what happens in that room
when programmers sit down in front of computers and produce code,
especially in an exploratory way. We are interested in this experience of
programming and how to improve and evolve it.

Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/px-2019-papers
Submission Deadline: 27 Jan 2019

VPT 2019: Seventh International Workshop on Program Transformation and

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in the
fields of Program Verification and Program Transformation. There is a great
potential for beneficial interactions between these two area.  The workshop
will provide a forum where researchers from these fields may interact and
foster new developments. The workshop solicits research, position,
application, and system description papers with a special emphasis on case
studies, demonstrating viability of the interactions between the research
fields of program transformation and program verification in a broad sense.

Call: http://refal.botik.ru/vpt/vpt2019/
Submission Deadline: 8 Jan 2019

LANGETI’19: Languages and Tools for Next Generation Testing

The LANGETI workshop invites for submission of research papers and tool
demonstrations developing new languages and tools that explore novel
techniques to test next generation applications. We specially encourage new
ideas on testing and its application domain that will spark discussion
during the workshop.

Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/langeti-2019-papers
Submission Deadline: 11 Jan 2019

PASS’19: Workshop on Programming Across the System Stack (PASS) ’19

PASS’19 seeks contributions at the interaction of programming languages and
computer systems, such as programming abstractions for emerging platforms,
runtime performance and energy optimization, software tool support for
systems, systems-level reasoning and verification, language-based security,
and systems programming and debugging.

Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/home/PASS-2019
Submission Deadline: 15 Jan 2019

ICW 2019: Interconnecting Code Workshop

Modern computer systems are often loosely coupled compositions of
heterogeneous components. An important part of modern programming is the
art, science, and engineering of interconnecting disparate code components
to offer larger services in a reliable and scalable manner. The goal of
this workshop is to facilitate an ongoing discussion, and advance the state
of the art of interconnecting code.

Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/icw-2019-papers
Initial Abstract Deadline: 11 Jan 2019

Salon des Refusés 2019

Salon des Refusés was an 1863 exhibition of artworks rejected from the
official Paris Salon. We bring the same to programming research, creating a
space for interesting ideas that are difficult to reduce to a proof or a
naive measurement.

Call: https://shift-society.org/salon/call-for-papers
Submission Deadline: 7 Jan 2019

MiniPLoP 2019

Patterns are a systematic way to capture the experience of experts about
good designs or best practices and document these nuggets of wisdom in an
accessible way for peers. You can submit papers with 2-3 patterns for a
discussion in a Writer’s Workshop session.

Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/PLOP-2019-papers
Submission Deadline: 31 Jan 2019

ProWeb’19: 3rd International Workshop on Programming Technology for the
Future Web

ProWeb’19 is a forum for researchers and practitioners to share and discuss
advances in programming technology (i.e., frameworks, libraries,
programming languages, program analyses and development tools) for
implementing web applications and for maintaining their quality over time,
as well as experience reports about the use of state-of-the-art technology
for the web.

Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/proweb-2019-papers
Submission Deadline: 15 Jan 2019

=========================================================================== ‹Programming› 2019 Combined Call for Workshop Submissions =========================================================================== To build a community and to foster an environment where participants can exchange ideas and experiences related to practical software development, ‹Programming› will host a number of workshops, during the days before the main conference. The workshops will provide a collaborative forum to exchange recent and/or preliminary results, to conduct intensive discussions on a particular topic, or to coordinate efforts between representatives of a technical community. They are intended as a forum for lively discussion of innovative ideas, recent progress, or practical experience on programming and applied software development in general for specific aspects, specific problems, or domain-specific needs. We also encourage practical, hands-on workshops in which participants actually experience one or several aspects of practical software development. The following workshops are co-located with ‹Programming› 2019. MoreVMs’19: Workshop on Modern Language Runtimes, Ecosystems, and VMs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MoreVMs’19 aims to bring together industrial and academic programmers to discuss the design, implementation, and usage of modern languages and runtimes. Possible topics include reuse of language runtimes, modular implementation, language design, and compilation strategies. Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/MoreVMs-2019 Extended Abstract Deadline: 11 Jan 2019 PX/19 5th Edition of the Programming Experience Workshop --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Programming Experience (PX) Workshop is about what happens in that room when programmers sit down in front of computers and produce code, especially in an exploratory way. We are interested in this experience of programming and how to improve and evolve it. Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/px-2019-papers Submission Deadline: 27 Jan 2019 VPT 2019: Seventh International Workshop on Program Transformation and Verification --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in the fields of Program Verification and Program Transformation. There is a great potential for beneficial interactions between these two area. The workshop will provide a forum where researchers from these fields may interact and foster new developments. The workshop solicits research, position, application, and system description papers with a special emphasis on case studies, demonstrating viability of the interactions between the research fields of program transformation and program verification in a broad sense. Call: http://refal.botik.ru/vpt/vpt2019/ Submission Deadline: 8 Jan 2019 LANGETI’19: Languages and Tools for Next Generation Testing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The LANGETI workshop invites for submission of research papers and tool demonstrations developing new languages and tools that explore novel techniques to test next generation applications. We specially encourage new ideas on testing and its application domain that will spark discussion during the workshop. Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/langeti-2019-papers Submission Deadline: 11 Jan 2019 PASS’19: Workshop on Programming Across the System Stack (PASS) ’19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASS’19 seeks contributions at the interaction of programming languages and computer systems, such as programming abstractions for emerging platforms, runtime performance and energy optimization, software tool support for systems, systems-level reasoning and verification, language-based security, and systems programming and debugging. Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/home/PASS-2019 Submission Deadline: 15 Jan 2019 ICW 2019: Interconnecting Code Workshop --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern computer systems are often loosely coupled compositions of heterogeneous components. An important part of modern programming is the art, science, and engineering of interconnecting disparate code components to offer larger services in a reliable and scalable manner. The goal of this workshop is to facilitate an ongoing discussion, and advance the state of the art of interconnecting code. Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/icw-2019-papers Initial Abstract Deadline: 11 Jan 2019 Salon des Refusés 2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salon des Refusés was an 1863 exhibition of artworks rejected from the official Paris Salon. We bring the same to programming research, creating a space for interesting ideas that are difficult to reduce to a proof or a naive measurement. Call: https://shift-society.org/salon/call-for-papers Submission Deadline: 7 Jan 2019 MiniPLoP 2019 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patterns are a systematic way to capture the experience of experts about good designs or best practices and document these nuggets of wisdom in an accessible way for peers. You can submit papers with 2-3 patterns for a discussion in a Writer’s Workshop session. Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/PLOP-2019-papers Submission Deadline: 31 Jan 2019 ProWeb’19: 3rd International Workshop on Programming Technology for the Future Web --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProWeb’19 is a forum for researchers and practitioners to share and discuss advances in programming technology (i.e., frameworks, libraries, programming languages, program analyses and development tools) for implementing web applications and for maintaining their quality over time, as well as experience reports about the use of state-of-the-art technology for the web. Call: https://2019.programming-conference.org/track/proweb-2019-papers Submission Deadline: 15 Jan 2019