Arnaud Jean-Baptiste search for a Job position.

Jean Baptiste Arnaud
Sat, Apr 19, 2014 5:46 PM

I am Arnaud Jean-Baptiste,
I am in Post-doc in Rmod team, my post-doc finishes in December. And I am looking for a job position.
My Experience:
Since 5 years, I am in the Rmod team working on Pharo language:
First I conducted a PhD focused on how to integrate new language features (I reified references), to enforce security policy.
During my PhD, I acquired a deep knowledge of the Pharo virtual machine, language design and understanding complexe legacy software (when I began a PhD there are no correct documentation to rebuild the VM in a clean way).
My PhD can be found on my website:
During my Post-doc, I parsed python language using moose for extract security information rely to static analysis.
In addition, I worked 6 months with Synectique (software quality company focus on legacy langage), my job was to parse and extract data from Cobol language to provide visualisation (more detail can be found:

In parallele I cultivate interrest on low level features, I am the maintainer the NBOpenGL implementation and provide some tutorial and simple tool (texture importer, mpeg renderer, etc.).
I am the actual developer and maintainer of the RaspberryPi PharoVM project: (, I began to introduce FFI for ARM.
I am beginning to revive the project of golubovsky,  to generate android version based on the last interpreter.

Other projects or more fun projects:

  • Opal compiler, at beginning of my PhD I was developer on the Opal project:
  • Storm, a binding of a 2D physical engine (focus for game), I am contributor on the project of Esteban Lorenzano,
  • Gameboy, I began to do from scratch a gameboy emulator (try to be closest possible of the hardware), on Pharo based on the documentation found on:, It is fun and I made great advance (graphic/engine/memory/processor ok, need to finish material binding interrupt and debug), but sadly I do not have time anymore.

Obviously, I am a Pharo contributor.

Eventually If your are interested on my academic skill my academic CV:

Here some peoples that can recommend me:

Pharo community contacts:

Synectique contacts:

Best Regards
Jean Baptiste Arnaud

Hello, I am Arnaud Jean-Baptiste, I am in Post-doc in Rmod team, my post-doc finishes in December. And I am looking for a job position. My Experience: Since 5 years, I am in the Rmod team working on Pharo language: First I conducted a PhD focused on how to integrate new language features (I reified references), to enforce security policy. During my PhD, I acquired a deep knowledge of the Pharo virtual machine, language design and understanding complexe legacy software (when I began a PhD there are no correct documentation to rebuild the VM in a clean way). My PhD can be found on my website: During my Post-doc, I parsed python language using moose for extract security information rely to static analysis. In addition, I worked 6 months with Synectique (software quality company focus on legacy langage), my job was to parse and extract data from Cobol language to provide visualisation (more detail can be found: In parallele I cultivate interrest on low level features, I am the maintainer the NBOpenGL implementation and provide some tutorial and simple tool (texture importer, mpeg renderer, etc.). I am the actual developer and maintainer of the RaspberryPi PharoVM project: (, I began to introduce FFI for ARM. I am beginning to revive the project of golubovsky, to generate android version based on the last interpreter. Other projects or more fun projects: - Opal compiler, at beginning of my PhD I was developer on the Opal project: - Storm, a binding of a 2D physical engine (focus for game), I am contributor on the project of Esteban Lorenzano, - Gameboy, I began to do from scratch a gameboy emulator (try to be closest possible of the hardware), on Pharo based on the documentation found on:, It is fun and I made great advance (graphic/engine/memory/processor ok, need to finish material binding interrupt and debug), but sadly I do not have time anymore. Obviously, I am a Pharo contributor. Eventually If your are interested on my academic skill my academic CV: Here some peoples that can recommend me: Pharo community contacts: - Stephane Ducasse, my actual boss lead the Pharo community: - Igor Stasenko, a Senior developer involve in Pharo community: - Esteban Lorenzano, a Senior developer involve in Pharo community: Synectique contacts: - Nicolas Anquetil, researche and lead member of Synectique: - Usman Bhatti, developer and project lead. Best Regards Jean Baptiste Arnaud