How to contribute CP1251TextConverter ?

Юрий Мироненко
Thu, Sep 11, 2014 6:14 PM

As the part of my SmallPOS project I was forced to implement
Question is: how to contribute it into Pharo and/or Squeak and/or any other
There are CP1250TextConverter and CP1252TextConverter in standart Pharo, so
it looks sound to fill the gap :)

Now it can be found in SmallPOS repository ( in category SmallPOS-Reports-CSV

As the part of my SmallPOS project I was forced to implement CP1251TextConverter. Question is: how to contribute it into Pharo and/or Squeak and/or any other dialect? There are CP1250TextConverter and CP1252TextConverter in standart Pharo, so it looks sound to fill the gap :) Now it can be found in SmallPOS repository ( in category SmallPOS-Reports-CSV