12/4 Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center, 10am-1PM. sunny,
35-40F, mid-tide rising.
One visitor this morning who had not been to our center before. She is
studying the salt-marsh sparrow.
Otherwise quiet inside.
On the marsh: viewed with Bins & scope-12 Buffleheads, 6 American Black
ducks, 1 Great blue heron tucked into the marsh grasses, 7 Gadwall, 2
American Wigeons, the family of 6 mute swans (the 4 youngsters following
the adults in a line), 1 Common loon, 10 Canada Geese, 1 Northern harrier
coasting over the marsh and numerous gulls foraging .
On the grounds & feeders: 6 House finches, 1 American Goldfinch, 1 Song
sparrow, 2 White throated sparrows, 25 House sparrows at feeders and in the
brush pile, 6 Mourning doves, 1 White breasted nuthatch, 1 Cardinal
drinking & bathing in the fountain, 1 Blue jay, 1 Red bellied woodpecker &
2 Chickadees.
Bev Propen, Orange