The highlights for the NH CBC today were: Eurasian Wigeon (in Morris Creek in New Haven), Clapper and Virginia Rail, American Oystercatcher, American Woodcock, Wilson's Snipe, Clay-colored Sparrow (opposite the entrance to Sandy Point in West Haven), Lincoln's Sparrow (one at Maltby Lakes and another in Guilford), Yellow-breasted Chat (in a thicket along the Branford River) and a count week Pine Warbler. The preliminary total for species is 121.
Chris Loscalzo,
NH CBC Compiler
The highlights for the NH CBC today were: Eurasian Wigeon (in Morris Creek in New Haven), Clapper and Virginia Rail, American Oystercatcher, American Woodcock, Wilson's Snipe, Clay-colored Sparrow (opposite the entrance to Sandy Point in West Haven), Lincoln's Sparrow (one at Maltby Lakes and another in Guilford), Yellow-breasted Chat (in a thicket along the Branford River) and a count week Pine Warbler. The preliminary total for species is 121.
Chris Loscalzo,
NH CBC Compiler