Aside from the now-famous spotted towhee at Bluff Point & black throated
gray warbler at the New London Sewage Treatment Plant, here are a few
highlights from the New London CBC on December 28... through the fog and
drizzle. Many thanks to all who contributed!
snow goose - 1
northern pintail - 1
king eider - 1
great egret - 2 (Fishers Island)
American oystercatcher - 7
greater yellowlegs - 1
ruddy turnstone - 4
razorbill - 7 (NY waters but in the circle)
long-eared owl - 1
northern saw-whet owl - 1
eastern phoebe - 1 (Fishers Island)
rusty blackbird - 2
orange-crowned warbler - 1
common yellowthroat - 1
palm warbler - 4
pine warbler - 5
yellow-breasted chat - 1
Lisa Wahle
Aside from the now-famous spotted towhee at Bluff Point & black throated
gray warbler at the New London Sewage Treatment Plant, here are a few
highlights from the New London CBC on December 28... through the fog and
drizzle. Many thanks to all who contributed!
snow goose - 1
northern pintail - 1
king eider - 1
great egret - 2 (Fishers Island)
American oystercatcher - 7
greater yellowlegs - 1
ruddy turnstone - 4
razorbill - 7 (NY waters but in the circle)
long-eared owl - 1
northern saw-whet owl - 1
eastern phoebe - 1 (Fishers Island)
rusty blackbird - 2
orange-crowned warbler - 1
common yellowthroat - 1
palm warbler - 4
pine warbler - 5
yellow-breasted chat - 1
Lisa Wahle