IMPORTANT: ESUG social event on wednesday

Johan Brichau
Tue, Aug 28, 2012 8:14 AM

To all ESUG participants:

There is some confusion concerning the social event schedule due to the entire afternoon being marked as 'social event' on the ESUG programme.
Here is the one and only truth:

In addition: if you have changed your mind w.r.t. attending the social event (i.e. different from what your online registration says): TALK TO ME. There is a limited number op places at the social event and about 30% of all participants have registered in the last 3 weeks, which means I have run out of spare seats.

Hope you are enjoying esug!

To all ESUG participants: There is some confusion concerning the social event schedule due to the entire afternoon being marked as 'social event' on the ESUG programme. Here is the one and only truth: - The social event starts at 17h15 at the designated meeting point (see the map on the conference website - The awards prize ceremony will be at the social event dinner In addition: if you have changed your mind w.r.t. attending the social event (i.e. different from what your online registration says): TALK TO ME. There is a limited number op places at the social event _and_ about 30% of all participants have registered in the last 3 weeks, which means I have run out of spare seats. Hope you are enjoying esug! Johan