Call for Participation in the Smalltalk Devroom at FOSDEM 2013

Stephan Eggermont
Fri, Nov 9, 2012 10:24 AM

Call for Participation in the Smalltalk Devroom at FOSDEM 2013.

" A devroom for the Pharo, Squeak, Amber, GST, Etoilé, Seaside,
Moose Smalltalk projects & Newspeak as derived language.
Smalltalk environments offer a very high development productivity,
unmatched by their successors. Come do some pair programming
with us and experience yourself the advantages of a real OO

The meetup will take place Sunday, February 3, 2013,
from 9AM until 5PM, building AW. This room has 72 seats,
a VGA video projector and wireless internet.
More information will be available later.

Proposals on content and format are welcome.

People interested in running a session should announce that
on the smalltalk-devroom mailing list, with the following

  • Their name
  • The project they are associated with
  • A short bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name
  • (optionally) a picture of themselves
  • The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the booklet)
  • A abstract describing the session in further detail.
  • The desired length of the session.
  • The desired time slot in which they want to hold the session.

Suggested values for the duration are 55min, 25min, 6m40 (Pecha Kucha).
The desired time slot is meant to help you prevent conflicts with other dev
rooms in which you might have a talk or your travel arrangements.

There are alternative, non smalltalk-specific tracks available:
lightning talk and the main track

The deadline for submissions is December 31, 23:00 GMT+1.

Discussion takes place on the
mailing list. Please subscribe if you are interested:

The local VUB/ULB Smalltalkers have been asked to organize
a sprint/BSUG meeting/Camp Smalltalk on Saturday February 2.

Devroom related URLs:

Call for Participation in the Smalltalk Devroom at FOSDEM 2013. " A devroom for the Pharo, Squeak, Amber, GST, Etoilé, Seaside, Moose Smalltalk projects & Newspeak as derived language. Smalltalk environments offer a very high development productivity, unmatched by their successors. Come do some pair programming with us and experience yourself the advantages of a real OO environment" The meetup will take place Sunday, February 3, 2013, from 9AM until 5PM, building AW. This room has 72 seats, a VGA video projector and wireless internet. More information will be available later. Proposals on content and format are welcome. People interested in running a session should announce that on the smalltalk-devroom mailing list, with the following information: - Their name - The project they are associated with - A short bio, to be put on the website along with their speaker name - (optionally) a picture of themselves - The title of their session (which will go on the website and in the booklet) - A abstract describing the session in further detail. - The desired length of the session. - The desired time slot in which they want to hold the session. Suggested values for the duration are 55min, 25min, 6m40 (Pecha Kucha). The desired time slot is meant to help you prevent conflicts with other dev rooms in which you might have a talk or your travel arrangements. There are alternative, non smalltalk-specific tracks available: lightning talk and the main track The deadline for submissions is December 31, 23:00 GMT+1. Discussion takes place on the mailing list. Please subscribe if you are interested: The local VUB/ULB Smalltalkers have been asked to organize a sprint/BSUG meeting/Camp Smalltalk on Saturday February 2. Devroom related URLs: